Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

I decided not to take any fast chances or startle her. I had two reasons now. I both did not want this gorgeous vixen to skill me, and I also was really wanting to enjoy her intimately. My body and my mind agreed how much it was needed now. Nature does some funny things to us. She wanted to kill me, and I wanted to escape, but now.. perhaps.. we both wanted to make love. I caressed her slowly and tenderly, up and down her back as she seemed to relax a bit more. She stayed pressed against me, as I moved my hand to her shoulder strap, and untied it carefully. It released, and her breasts came into view, as the leather flap at the front of that white garment fell over my belly.

Her breasts were firm and round and heavy, as she held my neck, gently now, as I watched her, and she watched me. It’s hard to tell if someone’s blushing if they have black fur, though. Not even in her ears could I tell. She only watched me through half closed, amused-looking eyes. I brought my hands to those heavy breasts, and began to stroke them softly.. tenderly, as she remained sitting on my tummy, pressing firmly against me to keep me from moving too mush. I let her nipples slide between my fingers as I stroked her full and gorgeous breasts. I half expected to get bitten for it, but she closed her eyes, just holding my neck, so if I moved suddenly, it was obvious she’d snap it. I heard her croon softly, and felt heat against my tummy, as she rubbed her hips back and forth a bit. 

That cinched it.. She was getting hot. My tail wagged slowly, unconsciously really, as she leaned in close, her breasts heavy in my hands, her hips rubbing back and forth against my tummy fur. Had she ever been held like this? Was she all alone in the wild? I smiled softly, as I brushed over her lovely fur with my palms. I brought them back to the dock of her tail, rubbing it between my fingers, and making her gasp, and grunt softly, smearing wetness over my tummy fur softly, as she whimpered again. She leaned down, and I kissed her, my tongue slipping into her mouth, as I squeezed her rump softly, and began to pull her a little more deliberately up and down my belly. She shuddered as I kissed her deeply, and she began to kiss me back, her sweet, sender tongue reaching and stroking along my own, as I released a long, positive growl, letting her know I liked it.. 

I enjoyed this. And also making it more clear that she was not going to be hurt. She finally pulled away from the kiss with a soft gasp, rubbing her own chest a bit, quivering on top of me, rubbing her mound against my tummy before crawling off of me, and then laying down on her back in the leaves, rubbing herself slowly between the legs, spreading her labia, and smearing her honey all over her cunny with her trembling hands, her other hand on her breast, teasing a nipple, as she gazed at me, eyes half closed, glazed over, seeming to barely even see anything. I sat up, and watched her. 

Yes, she was definitely needing some attention. I thought for just a moment, as I watched her tickle her clit softly, whimpering and closing her eyes as she spread her legs some more, propping up with her feet. What would be the best thing to do for her, since I was the one who put her in that condition.

Get on her, and fill her like Mother Nature tells you to.
Pleasure her first.. make her cum with your tongue.


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