Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

I took one look at her, standing there with that knife, and I took off running! What else could I do! I mean, there she was, ready to kill me! I launched myself from the place where I was sitting, and beat y feet against the leaves as fast as I could. I did n to look back, and merely waited to feel that knife find purchase between my shoulders or something. 

I knew I would be killed if she caught me, so I ran as fast as my strong and youthful body would take me, panting hard, whimpering, not wanting to get killed in a forest not even knowing who I was, but someone I had no idea about either! Why was this happening to me? Where was the exit to this forest? It was getting darker, but I could not tell if it was because of the canopy getting denser, or if it was just getting late, but I didn’t dare to stop. I risked tripping, I jumped a small stream, I took my life in my hands, as I raced full speed through the wider spaces between these giant trees. Was there just one vixen? Was there more than one? Were there tribes of these wild vulpines in this forest? When would the arrows rain from the trees? I finally got into a clearing, and stopped. I spun around, as the light of the late afternoon spilled down into the center of this grassy place. I looked all around me. 

Nothing. No one was there. I sighed softly, panting, and turned to walk in the direction I was running, feeling that she probably didn’t want to waste her time on me, and wandered back home. Just as I took my first step, I heard a crack, and felt a terrible stinging pain on the back of my head, and went dizzy, falling down into a heap in the grass. 

Dazed, I rolled over, and there she was.. with a whip in her hands. It had to be at least 12 feet long. She approached me slowly, coiling it in her hand gracefully, her eyes still slitted, angry, or just mean looking. If she was going for intimidation, she certainly was doing a good job of it. I whimpered a bit, and sat back up, looking at her as she sauntered quietly up to me. She spoke softly, a beautiful feathery singer’s voice, but I could not understand a word she said. She said it again, more insistently, growling softly. I shook my head softly, holding my hands out, wanting her to understand that I did not understand her, wanting her to know that she didn’t have to kill me for coming into her territory, I would be leaving soon enough. 

She’d probably never seen a husky before, and since we look a lot like wolves, she might not have liked me from the start. Maybe foxes didn’t like wolves very much. At least, in this tribe. If this had been a wolf-bitch, I would already be dead, I was sure. They are a lot more territorial. But this vulpine, thinking I was a wolf encroaching on her territory, might kill me thinking I was dangerous. I wondered exactly what to do.. If I tried to run again, she’d stop me with that painful whip..

Try to talk to her slowly, and clearly, showing you don’t speak her language.
Get up and fight her. You have nothing left to loose.
Whipping is kinky! Run again!
A vixen with a whip and a loincloth.. she needs a good groping..


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