Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

Just because she had not seen civilization before didn’t mean she could not understand a civil plea for mercy! Surely she just didn’t realize that I had no idea where I was or what I was doing! I could make her understand, and maybe she’d even lead me out of the forest. I backed up a little more, as she stood there, carrying the knife, and glaring at me, as if waiting for me to make the first move. 

“Ummm.. Look.. I am lost. I don’t know anything about where I am. I hit my head, and don’t remember anyth-” She took out a whip from behind her as she glared at me, and uncoiled it slowly, letting it lay a bit behind her. i stopped talking as I looked at it.

“Yureh kinisha jineh.” she ordered.

“I .. don’t.. under.. stand.” I said slowly, wringing my hands. “Don’t hit me. I am trying to get out of the forest. I-” I didn’t get to say anything else, as she lashed her whip, and it encircled my torso, the tip stinging my side painfully with a loud crack. I winced, and then yelped as she jerked me hard, making me fall to the ground, panting and wheezing as the whip bound me tightly. 

Okay, so talking was not going to work. She was on me like a jackal pouncing a rabbit, straddling my waist, and immediately laying her strong hand across my muzzle a couple times, making a loud clop sound each time, and making me a bit dazed and busy. She grabbed me by my shoulders, and picked me up a little, before slamming me back into the ground! This really did hurt quite a lot! I struggled a bit, and she took her knife back out, putting it to my chest, her tail lashing behind her rapidly, as she looked so displeased. She said those words again, still demanding, glaring as she looked into my eyes, and holding my shoulders. 

I struggled just a bit again, and she leaned down and nipped my ear, before striking me on the nose with her closed hand. She was serious! I was going to die if I made another bad call, I was sure!

Go limp. The beating will be over soon. Your life too.
You are a husky. She’s a fox. She’s smaller. Stop whining and clean her clock!
Foreplay has been fun, time for the sex.


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