Time's Passionate Love
by Alps Aris Sarsis


                Sometimes we take for granted our physical forms.  Being alive and solid, we have the ability to touch, to feel, to know our surroundings?  But what if we were to lose that ability?  The one thing we thing about the least.. What if we could not longer perceive that which went on around us?


                Lunaris was just one such unlucky individual.  Lunaris, an anthro black wolf with tousled hair and a lean, well-groomed body.  An average specimen in himself, Lunaris was a science professor at Ellington University in Jalana, a port town on a hick continent.  He and two associates were working on a high risk experiment.  What were they meaning to accomplish?  A new power source.  A brand new method of creating power.  Lunaris had managed to create a device that created TINY variances in timespace.  Not enough to grate a gravitational flux, but the small variance, once created, needed very little power to sustain itself, and gave off a great deal of static energy.  Lunaris and his comrades were attempting to harness this energy when it happened... There was some kind of recoil.. some kind of feedback to the power, and the energy they were trying to harness was fed back through the device and pumped into making the distortion more intense.  Before they realized what happened, it was self sustaining and out of control.  Lunaris watched his friends die, while trying to stop it.  Finally, He grounded the power output to pump the enrgy into the power grid.  The power station was nearly melted down by it, but, luckily, it pulled the rift below critical.  However, for Lunaris... It was too late.  hat valiant effort was his last.  He was pulled from his body into the rift.


                The mind.. what is it really?  Is our consciousness a true entity, or is it simply a nearly infinitely complex series of synapses?  regardless of what they are, the rift, that powerful electromagnetic and then gravitational whiplash that Lunaris experience, pulled his consciousness from his body, and kept it intact.  The lab.  It was all he could see.  he could feel nothing but his own emotions, and with them, and the view of the ruined laboratory, he was alone.  A mind, floating and trapped.  He could not move.  He did not know how to move without his feet.  He was comforted only by the fact that the world was still there.  He had stopped the catastrophe that would have ended life everywhere, perhaps.  But with this relief, came sorrow.  He never got around to having a family, so he would not be missed.  He would just be an erased page in history.  His knowledge was lost, and, now, no one knew the mistake he made.  It could be repeated.  The next person to try it.. could be the one to end it all.  And here, with his lonely thoughts, Lunaris drifted in still-life like a picture staring back at an empty room, for three years.  Unable to sleep, to close his eyes, to do anything but think and wonder and cry tearlessly in the quiet solitude of a mountain lab that he and his two assistants alone new the location to. 


                On a misty morning in the first month of that third year however, something finally happened.  There was a banging on the door.  It was open of course.  No one got to lock up before.  It slowly swung open.  A lady raccoon stepped in cautiously.  She was lean and muscular, and wore suede leather jacket and blue jeans, and a backpack.  She was a hiker.  She looked around silently.

                “Hello?  Is anyone here?” she said softly.  She was about Lunaris age.  About 26 or 27 perhaps.  Lunaris could see her so well as she walked through.  He wanted to move.  He wanted to look at her more closely.  This was the first thing that had happened in three years, and he wanted so much to be a part of it.  He longed to touch to smell to be near her, to follow her, to cry out to her, but he could not.  He willed himself harder and harder to move, and then, with a sudden lurch, he did.  He moved!  He stopped slowly, as if his mind were on skates, and drifted to a stop.  He was thrilled.  His focus was still the raccoon female.  He tried to speak.  To say “hi!  I’m here!  Please, talk to me.  Stay.  Stay here and keep me company.” but nothing could be heard.. .only his inner voice, his mind echoing the words he was, himself, incapable of.  He could not make himself heard.  He could only move.  He tried again.  It worked.  He moved.  It was not easy, and required a lot of thought, but he could move.  He could turn and drift and roll in any direction, even up and down.  He made himself move to eye level and he rolled directly to the lovely raccoon girl.  Was she really this lovely, or was it just that se was the first living thing that he had seen in three years.  No.. She was gorgeous.  Upon closer look, Lunaris realized this even more.  He was never good around females.  While he was not a virgin, he might as well have been one when he died.  His research was the most important thing to him.  He had the occasional fling, but had never really enjoyed the companionship of a lady he knew really cared for him, and seeing her now, this lovely girl he could not even say hello to, made him realize this.  Lunaris drifted around her, seeing her from every angle.


                “Hello?” she said again.  He voice was so lovely.. it FELT good to Lunaris.  “I guess it is abandoned... geeze.. what is all this stuff.. It must have been some kind of workshop.. looks all dusty though.. I guess I will let it be.. ask someone in town about it when I get back.  I need to start heading back though, if I am to make it back by noon tomorrow..” She started to head out the door.  Lunaris was crushed.  He could not bear for her to leave him.  He started to drift after her, but she was walking faster than he could make himself drift.  He cried out through his mind to her, calling to her.  She stalled a second, and looked behind her, right at Lunaris’ consciousness.  “Hello?  Did.. did someone say something to me?”  She then shook her head.  “No.. of course not.. I am being weird.. Great.. now I am talking to myself.”  She began to walk again.  Lunaris called to her again and again, and she did not turn.  Lunaris followed as she walked back into the woods using the old bicycle path that he had used so many times to get to work there.  She walked briskly, and her step was very graceful and very purposeful.  Lunaris could feel his heart swell with love and desire just watching her walk.  She was so perfect.. And he had not even said a word.  Three years of loneliness will do that to you.


                As the sun sank below the horizon, Lunaris could see the lady's breath.  It was cold.  It was getting close to winter again.  She finally stopped and stretched.  She placed her pack on the ground and began to go through it. She placed her rolled up sleeping bag on the leaves.  She got out s box of matches and wandered about, picking up small limbs.  Finally, she moved back to where her pack was, and cleared off an area, using her booted feet to scrape leaves and brush ten feet on any side.  She then stacked the limbs and put some leaves under them, and lit it.  The fire glowed peacefully.  Lunaris sighed in his mind.  How he wanted to share this warmth and fire with someone.  With her.  He wanted to sit with her and watch it glow.  It was so romantic.  He drifted by her ear and pressed to toward her his intention to kiss her.  He longs so much to kiss that supple neck.  So lovely.. He wanted to warm her as he knew, with his body, he could have.  He watched her as she tended the fire, and cooked a meal.  Hot dogs.  How Lunaris missed eating food.  He did not need it, and no longer knew hunger, but you miss eating, even when you do not need food.


                "Well, forest.. looks like it is time for me to hit the hay.  I will get about 6 hours of shuteye, and wake up and start walking in the morning..." She winked, in Lunaris' direction. "Okay little forest critters.  I am getting undressed now.. Turn around, all of ya."  Lunaris did not turn around.  She was not talking to him.  He was allowed to watch.  He was alone for three years.  He earned the right to watch, right?  He still felt a pang of guilt.  He did not take her out of his field of vision though.  She Took off her tanned leather coat, and then undid her belt.  Lunaris had no body, but he could still feel the arousal of seeing her do this.  Part of that arousal was brought on by the fact that she was unable to see him, and could not POSSIBLY know she was being watched.  Lunaris never saw himself as a voyeur before, but he could not help but be now.  She peeled off a cottony sweater, and her body, lithe and trim and lovely lay underneath.  She wore a lacey white bra now, which was thin enough, that the cold air visibly caused the girls nipples to harden.  Lunaris moaned softly to himself.  He wished so badly he was actually there, and could touch them.  He willed himself forward, only inches from her breasts as she looked around, obviously a little shy, and she begin to undo the button of her pants, and finally, slid them down.  He panties were also white and clean and fresh and lovely, fitting her snugly, and her tail floofed out a bit from her being cold now, with her clothes off.  Lunaris backed off and looked at her full form.  How erotic she was, standing alone in this deep forest in her underwear.  How lucky these trees were to see this even once in their life.  She lay down, but, to Lunaris' curiosity, she did NOT lay IN the bag.  She lay on top of it. She looked up through the treetops at the stars.  She licked her lips and pressed her hands to her breasts.  Her fur fuzzled a little more to keep her warm.  She sighed.  Lunaris felt warmth for the first time since he had been imprisoned.  Was feeling coming back to him?  Was her arrival more than just chance?  He watched her.  What was she going to do there?  Why did she not just get into her bag and go to sleep?  Lunaris got his answer, and deep in the back of his mind, it was the answer he wanted to hear.  The coon squeezed both her breasts, and then, the clasp in the front, she popped free of her bra, her pink, tender, very cold and pert nipples coming into view.  Lunaris felt a tingle.  He felt something.  First time in three years, and he felt something.  He watches her, moving till her was a foot away from her chest, looking at her perfect breasts.  Not to huge, but not too small.  Round and firm, with very perky nipples, from the cold, the arousal she was laying there with, or both.  He voiced to her, knowing she could not hear, to keep going, not to mind him.  She caressed her body, down to her panties, and then, she hooked her thumbs at the waist of her panties, and peeled them off.  Lunaris, still tingling, watched.  Her wanted to touch her.. to feel her.. He could almost do it.. he could almost feel her paw tracing that lovely form, just as her paw was doing.  Yes.. yes.. he COULD feel it.. the feeling.. in a hand he did not have.. her hand.. He watched her, and, incredulous, could feel everything against her hand.  Her soft fur.. her warmth..the cold against the back of it.  After three years, all these things feel like new, as if you have never felt them before in your life.  He watched and felt as her hands, both now, just traveled up and down her muscular and lean body, tracing her form, petting her fur.  Lunaris allowed his conciousness to drift back a little to take in her full form, and around her body, to view her now very visible sex.  She was already highly aroused by her own touch and thoughts, alone in this cold forest.  She glistened with warmth and invitation.  Lunaris drifted to her, and desired her scent, but it was simply not there.  He looked up at her, and looked at her closed eyes as he felt her hand go over her tight little nub of a nipple.  Yes. He could feel her hands now.. He thought for a while as she gently teased a nipple.  Was he communicating with her consciousness?  Was that it?  Was he able to link to her mind and feel what she felt?  The more he thought about it, the more it made sense.  As she became aroused, so did he.. or did it work in reverse?  Was HIS arousal at watching her undress the reason she now did this to herself?  Whatever the reason, he wanted to feel what she felt.  He directed his mind not at just touching her, but feeling what she did.. Feeling what her hands caused.  Along with her touch, he soon began to feel his chest.  Aching with anticipation.  Cold nipples.  He could feel how cold her nipples were.  They needed to be warmed.  He thought hard about it.  They needed to be in a warm, no.. a hot mouth.. Taken and sucked on.  They deserved as much.  As he thought of this, the raccoon girl writhed a little and moaned.

 to feel

                "mmm.. ng.. What is happening to me.. why.. mmm.. why the hell am I so damn... Oh gods... So turned on all of a sudden.. Even Kyle does not make me feel like this.. If I would have known how the woods effected me, I would have gone camping a lot more often the past few years..."  She placed an eager hand down between her legs and cried out.  Lunaris too, gasps in his mind.  He felt it.. the pleasure of her cool hand touch hot wet flesh, her finger delving into her.  He could feel it.. her female pleasure.  It was more intense than his male pleasure, that which he felt alone, thinking of his sweetheart when he was younger.  It was perhaps their combined ability to feel pleasure now.  His scientific mind barely at work, he realized it.  The pleasure he would feel from this, she was also feeling, and it was enhancing her experience.  She was feeling pleasure for them both, as was he.  He moved down between her legs, to watch her as he reveled in the pleasure.  How nice it was, for these to be his first "feelings" in three years.  He watched her fingers, two of them now, delve into her.  Finally, he cried out in pleasure, needing more, and she stopped abruptly and sat up.  "Who's there?" she said shakily, rolling into the leaves, and getting under her sleeping bag.  Lunaris groaned to himself.  Now what?  Whoever was coming was gonna feel pain, he would guarantee it.

                "It is nobody, sweetie, just the wind, keep going... please..." he said softly to her, knowing she could not hear him.

                "LIKE HELL I WILL!" she cried.  She reached to her pack and pulled out a Bowie Knife.  "Don't come any closer, or I swear I will gut you!"  Lunaris gasped to himself.  He did not hear anyone.  It was only his inner voice.  Had she heard him?  He spoke again.

                "You.. you can hear me?" he said, still directing his attention to her, not wanting her to stop.  She gritted her teeth.

                "y..Yeah.. hell yeah I can hear you, you pervert.. what did you see?  I will pluck your fucking eyes out, you dog!"  She grumbled.  Lunaris, however was elated.

                "Please.. please don't bescared.  I was in the lab earlier.. I.. I was trapped in there when an experiment when wrong a long time ago.. Please.. listen to me.. can you listen to me?" he said in his mind, watching her.

                "You have got to be kidding.  Why would I listen to anything you say?  How can you prove who you are?  How can you prove you are not going to rape me, you animal?"  She was trembling, holding her knife.

                "What direction is my voice coming from?" Lunaris said softly.

                "It's...  It.. I.. I don't know..." She seemed a little more curious now.

                "I am talking directly to your mind.. it is not my voice you hear.. You are hearing nothing.. You know this to be true.." he said.  She put her knife down.

                "So what.. you are a thought?  You are someone's mind floating around out here, is that it?" she asked.  She still seemed angry.    

                "Yes, actually.. something very much like that." he said. he felt lad she understood.  He could still feel her excitement.  Her sexual excitement. It had not waned.  It was still there.

                "So you were just gonna sit there and watch me masturbate?!" she fairly screamed.  Lunaris backed up a little reflexively.

                "Yes.. but .. I had not SEEN anything in years. Just the inside of that lab.. I so badly wanted to see you.. and I followed, not realizing you were going to do this.. You did not start to masturbate because YOU were aroused, you started because I was, and you felt it...  Our minds seem to connect.. to communicate, feelings and sensations.. And.. That is why I did not want you to stop.. I have felt nothing in my lonely prison.. I needed to feel what you were feeling.. It was.. so wonderful..  I am sorry.. I did not even know you would EVER be aware of my presence."

                "Then.. The reason it felt so good, better than ever before.." she said softly, thinking...

                "Yes.. because of me.. because I felt it too.. you felt both of us.. the pleasure of a man and a woman, for the first time, at once."  She thought for a while, and then, to Lunaris' surprise and delight, she got out from under the sleeping back and placed it back on the ground.  She laid on it, spread eagled.

                "I think I can feel you.. You are shocked.  You did not expect me to do that.. is that right?" she asked.  She licked her lips.  Lunaris was aghast.

                "You.. you are right.. and so was I it seems.. you are effected by what I feel.. you just did not realize it.. but now, since you know, you can.. discern whose feelings are whose?" he drifted close to her sex again.  It was still very warm and moist.

                "Yes.. I know how you feel.. and we are both excited.  I might have started because of you, but I will continue, and finish, because of ME." she said, very seductively.  Lunaris looked up at her face as she licked her lips.

                "I.. I don't understand.. you seemed so against the idea a moment ago." Lunaris said, watching her as she squeezed her breasts again.

                "I was afraid." she said flatly.  Then, with more warmth, "But you.. You are not a threat.  You cannot touch me.  You can only watch and feel me.  I have had a lot of boyfriends, and all of them.. were dominant.. they told me what to do and how to act, but you.. you can only watch and feel.. and I have complete control.. if I stop, you stop.  That is just how it works.  You are safe.. I can enjoy myself, and I really don't think you would do anything to stop, criticize, or impede me, nor would you insist on being pleasured, since, you feel what I do, and I feel what you do.. You.. are the perfect playmate.." she said.  Lunaris was shocked even more.

                "I.. I am not sure I understand your level of thinking... but.. Mmm.. Please.. continue.. I agree with one thing.. we will both enjoy it, and neither of us can be hurt by it.. no guilt, no worry about commitment.. we can just.. enjoy..." Lunaris felt the sensation of the raccoon's fingers delving into her body again, her clit raised between her two fingers and she pressed them into her.  He could feel what her fingers felt, wet and hot and tight, and he could feel the tingling of her clit as it was massaged by those fingers.  He longed to feel his cock inside her though.  It is what he really wanted.  To know how she felt around his cock.. and as if a self gratifying wish was being answered, he felt the familiar pressure.. the wetness.. The heat.. his thick lupine cock inside her.  He moaned out softly.

                "Do you.. mmmnng.. feel that?" he asked somewhat loudly, a little surprised himself.

                "Oh.. gods yes.." the girl said softly, "I feel that.. I feel.. Is that what it feels like.. to you..?" She writhes as she pressed her fingers in and out.  With every stroke of her fingers, it was like a stroke of his cock in and out of her.  Lunaris moaned out again.

                "Y..yes.. that is what it feels like to me.. As you move your hands, it is.. oh... It is like you are getting filled with me.. I want to so badly.. and that.. that lets me feel it.. in the place of your fingers.." Lunaris suddenly felt like he was violating her.  "I.. I can stop that if you want.. I don't want you to be uncom-"

                "No!  Don't stop!" she interrupted, "Are you crazy, don't you dare stop.. It is.. so good.. gods.. it feels.. so wonderful.. If I could make myself feel this without help, I would sure as hell not need males..." she bucked her hips.  Lunaris watched as her soaking, glistening fingers pumps faster in and out of her slit.  The clit was bright pink, being rubbed almost raw with her passionate stroking, which was getting faster and faster.  Lunaris could feel it too.. the heat. the desire for release they both felt.  It had been a long time for the raccoon.. She slowed down a bit, grinning evilly.  Lunaris did not even have to ask, as he moaned softly.  She was making him linger.  He realized at the same time that she did, they would not cum independently of each other.. they could only cum together.  If she slowed down, the sex, the strange, erotic, spiritual sex they were having, slowed or stopped also.  He moaned out to her, and she giggled softly.

                "Please.." Lunaris said with a light voice, "Let me.. Mmmm.. ohh.. let me know what name I should cry.. when it happens...." he could feel everything.. the beating of a heart, the pounding of his veins, the feel of her body, as if it was his, and she felt his body as if it were hers.. their minds shared one piece of flesh, and felt her pleasure and passion together.

                "My name is Heidi.." the cooness panted.  Lunaris smiled in his mind and just tingled all over.

                "A pretty name for a gorgeous lady.  As lovely as it is it doe snot do you justice.." he groans softly again, feeling her speed up a little, and then slow down, teasing him, her wetness pouring out into the grass, his view filled with her rising and falling breasts as she pants, and her paws squeezing those lovely mounds together, and her other hand working slowly now into her sex, pressing to the knuckles and drawing slowly back out, wet and slick, almost all the way back out, before pushing, as if with difficulty, slowly back in.  "Mmm.. gods.. my name.. is Lunaris..." he moaned.

                "Ahhhh.. mmmnngg.. A nice and romantic and haunting sort of name.. I love it.." She tossed her head back, and then, rather suddenly, began strumming herself faster, and more frenzied.  Lunaris cried out into the night.. it was like being ridded without a weight on top of you.. she was in full control, and knew it.  She knew his pleasure was her pleasure, and she was taking them both with passion and lust.  He could feel himself, just as he wish, pumping in and out of that tight, hot, wet sex, her body squeezing her fingers, and in doing so, squeezing a phantom rod that was pressing in and out as fast as she could make her hand move.  Lunaris cried out in unison with Heidi.  She panted heavily, and began to lurch back and forth on her sleeping back, steam rising off her heated body. 

                "Faster love.. please.. We are.. both almost.." he could feel such powerful tingles.  He felt like her body would come apart when it happened, but wanted it so badly, nonetheless.

                "Fuck.. you don't have to tell me that.. NnnnnnnGGGG!!" Lunaris felt her body go ridged, and his two, if he had one, which he did sort of, as hers was, for the moment, his.  He felt it.  It started as a tingle in her chest and in her sex, and then washed over her entire body like a gush of hot air in the cold nighttime forest.  Like a series of explosions, they orgasmed together, the raccoon and the wolf, as a pair of entities within a single body.  Lunaris reeled in his mind, and knew that the cooness, writhing and still jerking her fingers back and forth as her foamy creamy cum soiled her sleeping bag, felt it too.  Minutes of intense pleasure went by, a seemingly unending orgasm.  Finally, the tingling waning, Lunaris felt something else he had missed for a long, long, long time.. Connected to her mind, just as she did, he felt sleepy.  She crawled into the sleeping bag and curled up.  Lunaris felt himself go in too, and focused his attention, just as she did, at the stars, and as she closed her eyes, his own vision closed, and he felt sleep for the first time in three years, and his mind, finally, was at peace.


                We take for granted these things, these simple feelings that we so enjoy when we make love, but even more so the ones that we have every single day.  The dizzy mushy feeling of drifting off to sleep happy or the taste of our favorite food.. We do not think we could ever exist not knowing these things.  As Lunaris' consciousness finally fades, his appreciation for these things now well rooted, we have to wonder... will he wake up?  Can a consciousness that has gone unconscious ever awaken?  What is there to wake him up?  Will the girl awakening wake him up, or will her consciousness swallow him up?  I think.. either way.. Lunaris would be happy.


Alps Aris Sarsis

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