In Black and White
by Alps Aris Sarsis

      Celes looked at the door again, and the clock above it. It was cold, and pouring rain outside. There would not be any casual visitors today. Anything that came through that door would be work. The spotted skunkette shuffled the papers in her hands softly. They were bills. They were always bills. The mephit relaxed a bit in her chair and looked again at the door. The office was small, but efficient, though a little cluttered and dusty. A rug laid askew at the door, which had a sign over frosted glass which read "Polecat Investigators". It was a slightly misleading sign. There was not another investigator. Just Celes. She sat alone at her desk. Waiting. Her soft brown eyes looking from door to bills to door again. She wore a white suede mini-skirt and a white cotton blouse under a black suede vest. A fairly ritzy outfit, for a job that was far from it. Celes wore her hair back in a ponytail, long and flowing, covered with the same peppering of white as most of the rest of her body. She had a light, small frame, fairly short of stature. But keen, aware eyes, alert ears and a sharp mind. As the ceiling fan squeaked softly overhead, stirring the air in the office to keep it from going stagnant, the sound of water hitting the bottom of a bucket began. A leak that had not been fixed in over a year. It had it's very own bucket, emptied before every rainy day. The rest of the office was lightly furnished, but there was a couch against the right wall for customers to sit. A coat rack (empty of coats) having only a blanket on it, which Celes kept to wrap around the bucket if it overflowed a bit during a storm. As Celes found herself tapping a finger to the rhythm of rain falling into the bucket, the door burst open! Celes lifted her head slowly. It was difficult to startle her. A robed figure pressed itself to the door, as it slammed shut, panting, shivering and soaking wet. Celes looked up and down this robed figure, saying nothing at fist. It had its head bowed and wore a sunhat, a white one like girls wear to their friends weddings, which obscured the downward staring figure's face; and a robe, jet black, which obscured everything else. After watching the shape for a while, Celes finally said, with a feathery voice,

      "If you would not mind terribly much, drip over here in front of my desk.  The floor there has not been mopped in a while, and it could use the water."  While her comment was rather uncaring, her tone seemed genuinely concerned with getting the figure away from the door in case someone else wanted to burst through it. The head of the figure jerked up. A fast glance told Celes it was another skunk. A very attractive lady skunk… possibly in her mid twenties.  Her duel lines of white that went down her forehead and to the tip of her perfect nose on her blunt, lovely muzzle told that she was a striped skunk, rather than a spotted one like Celes. Her eyes were jade, looped in gold, around those green irises. Her body was shaking violently, shivering from the cold. She rushed the desk and slammed her hands on it, as tears streamed from those beautiful eyes.

      "You is have to help me!  You is just have to!" she squealed. Celes arched an eyebrow. A foreigner. Her accent and her broken English were all the proof of that Celes needed. She nodded and answered in her soft, almost whispering voice again.

      "Very well. I would love to help you… let's start… by getting you out of that dripping, soaking robe before you catch pneumonia and die before I can solve your current problem."  Celes' voice was always a whisper. In her line of work a loud voice was not required and a soft one was, in fact, more useful. So it's all she used. The mephit blushed slightly and touched her two index fingers together, admitting, through her tears,

      "Is… no is have anything under robe… is just threw on and is ran here… is was not given time for put anything else on. Is had for run `way!" she cried.  Celes nodded softly and stood up, stretching a bit. She moved over to the door, and locked it. On a day like this there would not likely be more than one customer at a time and it was not useful to the PI to have a customer die of exposure before she could pay for any services. Celes moved over to the coat rack and took the blanket off of it, stretched it out on the couch carefully, and turned to the other skunk.

      "There…" she whispered, "You now have a private place to dry off." The girl skunk blushed again and shook her head, looking very shy.  Celes smiled warmly and pulled her toward the couch. "Come on… no one else is gonna see you and I promise I will not take pictures. Take off the clothes, sit down and dry off.  We will get you warmed up and then we can discuss your problem. Everything will be just fine, okay?" Celes said. The skunk nodded softly. She moved in front of the couch and took of her sun hat. She handed the wet, floppy headpiece to the skunk that was so kind as to help her. It was a nice hat. WAS. The feather that was it's former glower was now a wet, limp string and the blue ribbon would likely shrink and squeeze the top of the hat until it was useless. Celes put it on the coat rack in time to see that the other mephit had already removed the first three clasps of her robe. One more clasp, and she just put her arms down by her side. The robe slid off, into the floor like a puddle. She stepped out of it and turned around to face Celes. Celes looked up and down this voluptuous example of a girl mephit. Her legs were sculpted, covered in obsidian black fur all the way to her inner thighs, which had white fur all the way up her tummy cresting between her ebony velvet-furred breasts, which were D-cup at least, very large and firm and youthful. This girl could be no more than 25 years old, if that much.  Celes blushed just slightly, having caught herself staring at the skunkette's breasts, which were a good two cup sizes larger than hers. Celes sat on the far end of the couch and nodded to the other skunk to sit down. She did so, taking her long, full, fluffy tail and draping it over her lap, blushing deeply. "Now…" resumed Celes, "… let's start out easy… nothing about your problem first while we let you warm up. My name is Celes. What's your name?" She leaned back in the couch, comfortably, crossing her legs, her hands over her knee, looking into the skunkette’s tear-soaked eyes intently to try and judge her level of comfort before asking her what drove her through the freezing rain, barely dressed, to her door. The other mephit inhaled shakily and said, with a slight blush still in her cheeks,

      "Is… Is named Yomanimurashi Tamblin,” she stated. "You is can call me Yona." she said, nodding. Celes nodded slowly. Definitely not a local skunk.  She scooted a bit closer to seem less like she was trying to avoid the customer.  Celes answered with that soft feathery voice again.

      "Ahh... Yona it is then. Calm down… let yourself relax. Dry your tears." she said, giving Yona a tissue. "I will help you in any way I can. It's what I do for a living, okay? Do you need a drink? Some scotch? Gin?" she asked. Yona shook her head softly.

      "No… no is… no is be thirsty." She wrung her tail out as if in demonstration of why. Water cascaded onto the floor. Celes smiled softly and nodded.

      "Of course, of course." She leaned in closer, to make sure it seemed her attention was focused on Yona's problem. "Now… you can tell me. What is it that is troubling you so? I take it that you would not normally go running through this kind of weather. Don't worry… I am not a police officer. You can tell me anything … just be truthful and I will be able to help you, okay?" she said. It was her usual line, after all. Yona sat up and dropped her tail, which lay limply at her feet, still damp. The scent of her wet fur was accentuated by the scent of a female skunk, which already had a tendency to fill the shop. But Yona's was even stronger, with being warm and wet. She stopped shivering.

      "Is… Is can't… is be scared of telling. If is tell, is… Is will lose everything! I… is can Celes help Yona with Yona no telling? Is can … help anyway?" Yona asked. Her yes were inquisitive, intense and bright. She whipped her head a bit; shaking what little water was left running down her face away.  Her striped ponytail whipped over the front of her body, between the impressive swells of hr breasts. Celes inhaled deeply. She did not have time for romance with guys. Perhaps that is why the thought even entered her head to pursue one with this girl… because she had NOT been involved in years. She shook away the thought and then lowered her head.

      "No, Yona, you really do need to tell me. I can't help you if I have no idea what is going on. We could both face a lot of problems or even danger if I go in not knowing." Celes said slowly, and softly, trying to be as reassuring as she could be. She scooted closer again, to be there in case Yona felt it necessary to whisper it so she could not be overheard or recorded on a tape recorder.  Yona blushed softly, and sniffled, wiping her eyes.

      "Is… Is not… trust anyone. Is can't. Is was told not too… when is had to start with mission… but… but is failing. Everything… is out of Yona's control now. Is… Is can't do it alone. I is need your help… and only yours… but… but is can't tell you why or what… not until is completed mission. Is only have one more thing is have to do… but… is can't do it." She leaned softly against Celes again, and sniffled heavily, as if she were about to sob again. "I is be so very lots scared… is alone… is need help," she whimpered. Celes blushed deeply and put an arm around the nude Yona. She swallowed softly. In her mind she cursed herself. This was ridiculous. Why on earth was this arousing her? She felt that warm tingle along her breasts, her inner thighs and her loins. It was so strong.  Like heat flowing through them. She had never been affected by a girl this way before. She wriggled a little on the couch and placed her chin on Yona's shoulder. She said in soft, sensitive words,

      "Oh Yona… Yona it's okay. I'm here for you. I won't tell anyone, I promise. We will keep the secret… we will take care of this together, I promise. You can trust me. If you could trust no one else in the city you could trust me. Tell me how I can help you," she said, her hand on Yona’s shoulders, as she looked at her, waiting for Yona to look into her eyes so that she knew that this skunk was telling her the truth. Celes had never violated the confidence of a client. Yona looked up and licked her lips slowly. Her long, perfect, pink tongue, wetting them, her panting having dried them out a bit. This sent a sharp tingle up Celes' spine. Yona spoke softly, under her breath, in a whisper as well.

      "Is… Is have no way of know… if is can trust you. Is have no way to know if is care `bout Yona, and not `bout… about being paid more," she muttered under her breath. "I is so very much confused… and scared. Is… Is not know… I is not be sure if I is can trust you yet… enough for tell you." The nude mephit leaned closer to Celes with each word, as if to speak softly. Celes felt a tingle run through her again and simply could no longer hold it back. She had to know… she had to really know. Without control, she leaned in and pressed her lips to Yona's, who gasped sharply, going ridged. Celes closed her eyes tight, holding the kiss, simply for having time to think of how to explain what she just did and why. Why would she EVER do something like that with a client? She would not do it to a male… why a female? Celes thought a mile a minute to try to explain herself. To comfort Yona. Yes, that is it. If Celes did not genuinely care outside the bills, she could not just kiss Yona. Only someone who CARED would kiss them to comfort them and quiet their crying.  That is what she would say, but before she could pull away to say it… Yona threw her arms around Celes!  Celes mmmmed softly into the embrace, unable to take her lips away now… and wanting to take them away even less. Yona kissed back firmly. Celes was thankful as she put her arms around Yona too. This would save a LOT on explaining, if Yona wanted it too. Celes was no longer thinking about how to explain it. She was no longer even thinking about the problem. How long had it been since she last expressed herself like this? Too long. She pressed Yona back a little and she laid into the couch, her breathing speeding up, becoming more shallow, as her paws wandered slowly up and down Celes' back and shoulders. Celes pulled away finally… to catch her breath. Yona laid on her back on the couch, her breasts slowly rising and falling, still shining with wetness from the rain.  Her nipples were tight, wrinkled and hard, pink islands on a sea of velvet black, begging to be touched. Celes stopped her hand with great effort from moving and looked at Yona. Yona looked back, her eyes half shut, looking rather lusty. Celes said, in a soft, feathery and shaky tone.

      "N… now do you trust m… me? Only someone who genuinely cares can go that far to… to comfort someone." She found herself blushing. If this got out, she would be in a lot of hot water. She still felt the heat of her arousal throbbing deep inside with her heartbeat. Yona arched her back, her breasts hefted up slightly, as her tail coiled around Celes' waist. She shook her head.

      "Is… Is trust you… but… is want for be held more… is be scared. Is just want for be held longer like this… is feel… nice," she said, a slight blush over her muzzle. Celes felt herself become heavy and her body fell back against Yona's. She could not help it. Their lips met again and Celes ended up on all fours over the wet skunk on the couch, her blouse getting soaked as her front pressed to Yona. Yona slid her paws under the back of Celes' shirt and began to toy with the clasp of her bra. Celes gasped softly as she felt herself immediately become wet at the feeling of those jittery, cold, inexperienced paws working the clasp. It released, making her breasts feel less pressured.  Celes coooed very slightly, unable to believe this was happening, but finding herself unable to turn back. She could not afford to upset the mephit now. She already had grounds to file charges against her. So Celes would see this through to the end… whatever that may be.  She finally let one of her hands find Yona's chest, her hand squeezing a heavy breast tentatively.  The spotted skunkette released a shuddering sigh as Yona managed to do the same thing, squeezing one of Celes' more modest breasts. Yona's pert, pink nipple pinched between Celes' fingers as the detective skunk lowered her muzzle, and took the opposite nub into her searing hot muzzle. Her heart raced faster and faster. It was like a dream from which she would never wake. She felt the slow rolling of Yona's passionate feminine paw on her breast. So good… no male ever made her feel like that. Yona knew where to touch. Had she done this before? Celes gasped again through her nose as she suckled the tingling teat of her client… as she felt her skirt unclasp. An eager, strong mephitine tail drew down that skirt slowly, until it was all the way off. Celes began to shake a little, with a little fear, and a lot of excitement. This skunk was going to take it all the way. Celes had perhaps had one or two thoughts about it. But never anything serious… and now…   Celes turned around slowly on the couch, still on all fours. She got up on her knees and pulled off her blouse and her vest, leaving herself with just panties.  She then lowered to her hands and knees again over Yona's body. Her head level with her hips and Yona's chest level with Celes'. Celes gasped and cried out a sharp, excited trill. Yona had brought her paw up carefully to her inner thigh, and then bushed straight up and over the cleft of her sex through her panties with her thumb, a single powerful tease to the investigating mephit. Celes lowered her head, taking in the scent of another girl's sex. She could not believe what was happening. This was beyond anything she could even dream up.  She placed a paw, cupping it, over Yona’s sex feeling the heat, reserved, still somewhat scared to just… to just… do what girls who did this did to each other.  Celes' mind tore six ways from Tuesday when she felt her panties slide down and a cool, wet nose press right into her sex. Yona aggressively nuzzled at her sex, making Celes want to lurch forward to get away, it was moving to quick, but her muscles did not work right. Her brain did not work right. She went backwards, harder into that pleasuring muzzle, as she released a tormented moan. So wet.  She was already so wet. And she felt the wetness seeping from Yona. Celes placed her middle and ring finger on her sex, and spread Yona’s labia around them, slowly working them up and down, sliding in that wet, hot valley.  Celes' breasts ached and she brought her now wet fingers to her nipples, feeling her nipples wet with Yona’s juices, and then cold and aching even more for touch.  Celes pressed her fingers back to Yona, rewarding her in like fashion to the pleasure she was receiving as the client pressed her nose in slow, massaging circles in Celes' sex. The detective squeezed and played with her breasts again, wanting so badly to be able to do that and pleasure the other skunk at the same time. Celes arched her back a bit and moaned LOUDLY as she felt a long, slick, satin tongue slide past her labia, deep into her tunnel. It stayed there a while, just wiggling, causing Celes' breathing to speed up three times in a few seconds, before just sliding up and down over her sex. Celes rocked her hips slowly now. There was no getting around it. She was enjoying it. Her first lesbian experience… and she might never go back.  Celes lowered her head, feeling how good that tongue was. It was better than any toy Celes had used on those cold, boring lonely nights or any male that she had ever been with on the not so lonely, not so cold nights. Celes brought a wet finger to her muzzle and touched a fingertip with her tongue to see what it tasted like. If it were not too gross she would be willing to return the favor. Kind of tangy… kind of salty, Celes thought as she sucked on her finger. Not bad. Not bad at all. She could deal with that, and with that she lowered her head… and Yona moaned out LOUDLY to the touch of Celes' tongue on her sex. Celes' tongue was thicker, not as long, but it was still enough. Celes pressed her middle and index finger into Yona as she swirled her tongue over the nub that she knew, for all those nights alone, how to work with. Yona began to slowly thrust her hips. Celes moaned deeply again, the act of pleasuring this girl even more erotic, and driving her even more wild. Yona began sliding her tongue in and out, stabbing into Celes' depths with it, the two skunkettes in a perfect 69 position on the couch now, with no signs of letting up. The heat was building. Celes could feel it growing in her thighs. Faster, deeper… she wanted more. She called out softly, over Yona’s sex,

      "Y… Yes Yona… that… that's perfect. I… I like it… oh yes… I like it… so good!" She shut her eyes tightly, holding still a moment as the skunkette’s tongue lashed her sex. After how long it had been between lovers, Celes could simply not hold back. She did not have a chance. Almost as soon as she felt it approach she was screaming with climax. Her entire body felt shocked by it and she threw her head back, eyes shut so tight that tears streamed down her face.  She could not breathe. She could not even inhale again. Celes managed to squeak out one final moan of ecstasy, before dragging in a deep breath, and just shuddering. Yona was still writhing beneath her. Unlike a guy, who just keeps going until he's done, Yona still needed help. Celes snapped back into reality, and in a fuzzy haze of approaching afterglow, she began pumping her fingers in and out of the panting mephit, who brought her muzzle away from Celes' soaking pussy, her burning clit now left alone. Celes lowered her head again and eagerly lashed her tongue on that little solid nub, teasing it with her tongue tip rapidly, slitting back and forth, as her fingers slipped faster and faster, in and out of Yona’s body. The wet sounds of sex rang loud in the normally quiet office. Overhead, the ceiling fan still spun, the office unchanged except for the two going at it on the couch. Yona began to pant heavily, holding Celes' hips, and squeaking with need as the other skunk picked up speed again. Celes was panting too, from the efforts of pumping her long, well-used fingers in and out of Yona’s tight, steamy depths.  Finally, Yona cried out,

      "Oh… Oh… Is gonna… is going for cum!!" she squealed, her body lurching against the powerful strokes in and out of her body. Celes felt her own body lush with heat, her desire well known to her, now to make Yona cum.  To give her what she just got. Yona threw back her head, her muzzle still directed at Celes' sex, and she released a high pitched, powerful *YEWL!* and wetness surged from the skunk as she convulsed, nearly throwing herself and Celes onto the floor.  The detective skunk managed to keep her and her client on the couch, until she calmed down, panting heavily, her head resting on the throw pillow, her cheeks still soaked and glistening, while the rest of her body is just moist. Celes slowly sits up, still shaking a bit from that wild, first time experience. She looks to Yona, and asks softly, as the skunkette lays on her back, legs spread, still panting,

      "Well… Whew… That was… a lot of fun. I am sure… you are a bit more relaxed now. Perhaps we can talk about your secret? And find a solution for you?" Celes asked, handing Yona a tissue or two to dry her face. Yona sat up slowly, and wriggled a bit until she was off the couch.  The client skunk slowly got to her feet and picked up her robe.  She carefully slid it back on, even though it was still very wet. Celes looked at Yona curiously.  "What… are you doing?" she asked. Yona walked to the door, smiling warmly.  Smugly.

      "Yona's mission… was to get the last item on the teams scavenger hunt list. The list said we had to get something that was one of kind from down town, but we is no can have anything for show for it. So we is think… what is we can get that we would still have nothing when we is take from down town… and Yona is just figured it out. Yona is have nothing for show for it… but is took wonderful one of a kind memory from down town. Is thank you…" and with that the door swung shut. The rain no longer fell outside. The office was one again quiet and empty, except for Celes. Who slowly got dressed and staggered to her office chair. She picked up her case log and detailed the account. The case entitled "In Black and White” The crime? What crime… yes… the theft of Celes' heart. On the coat rack a worn, wet, pitiful sun hat still hung.


- Fin

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