by Alps Aris Sarsis

                Champagne looked on as the tables were being cleaned.  This was actually one of her favorite times of the evening.  When everyone went home.  She got to watch as the various customers of the club were ushered out the door, some staggering from drink, others from lap dance.  She caressed the heated material of her slip over top.  Not much point in wearing it at all really.  It was translucent.  The bottom was a simple wrap around skirt, like a towel you would use after a shower.  So easily removed and put back on.


                The vixen Champagne, about 22 years old, had found her niche.  A job so fun and enjoyable to her, that is was likely to be her career for life.  Having money thrown at you just for undressing is a bit of an ego boost to.  It was often difficult for her not to act more than a little smug.  Champagne was about five and a half feet tall, and a red vixen.  Her fur, a glimmering orange, was very reflective, and took on different colors under the bright and changing lights of the dance floor.  Her white chest and tummy fur made her seem softer and more appealing up front, if that large, luscious vulpine tail in the back were not enough to get her audience drooling.  She had not been doing this job for too terribly long.  School was out for the year, and she took it on advice from a friend.  A male one.  Who she did not particularly desire.  And was at the club every single night.  But she loved it.  She adored being cheered at, the wolf whistles, the fox calls, and the various grunts and whimpers of a testosterone laden audience making their scent so thick among their tables as they kicked back various mixed drinks that she could not help but allow her head to swim with excitement.  She was not the only one who got a little more than aroused from the dance.  She loved giving it as much as those around her loved watching it.


                She looked at the darkened room.  Jasper, the bartender, was cleaning up.  Broken glass.  He never got the spinning bottle thing right.  Such a klutz.  Why a three-toed sloth got a job as a bartender was beyond her, but it would seem less attention was being paid to the speed of the drink, and more to the speed of the dancer.  She looked back at her stage as she thought about this.  It was a large stage, and often more than one dancer was up at a time.  There were three bars set in a triangular fashion to each other, with a lead bar, and two support dancer bars.  Champagne had just recently learned climbing from 'Yvette, another dancer.  To basically sultrily shimmy up the pole to the top, and then lean back, and with hip motions mimicking that of sex, slide down the pole.  This filled her garter with more fives than ones.  She was glad to have learned it, but it was hell on the backs of her knees, which had to be clamped around the pole.  It was worth it though.  As Champagne scanned the tables for the last remaining customers, she noticed someone among them she did not expect to see.  She got up and walked over to her.  Sasha.  Her next-door neighbor.  She very rarely saw Sasha.  She was into the adult film scene, so their jobs were not that dissimilar.  Champagne sat in front of Sasha and smiled.  She had no idea why she had never tried to talk to her before.  Sasha looked back, smiling for a moment in silence, as if the silence voiced her appreciation of the show.  Sasha was a particularly sexy looking bunny.  Her ears were just the right length, her hair so lush and well brushed, her body lithe and cared for, and muscular, sharp tones and soft fur.  Her little rabbit tail was perfect, receiving the same care as the rest of her body.  Sasha was adorned in a gray sports-bra, a white vest that lay open completely, but was made of a satiny material, and she had on cut off blue jean shorts.  No shoes.  In short, she was very lovely this evening, in a more simplistic sort of way that what Champagne was used to seeing.  The vixen finally decided to break the silence.


                "Sooo.. Umm.. Are you looking for a job here, Sasha?  Is the movie business going a little slow?" she allowed and air of concern into her voice, but could not help that her smugness fought it's way into it and made her sound like she was not surprised that the movie business was getting less nibbles with her being in this club.  She smiled to herself.  Yeah.  That was it.  They were all watching her.  Was Sasha going to offer HER a job in film?  Yes.  It had to be.  She would not be here otherwise.  Champagne closed her eyes in a big smile.  She would refuse of course.  She was not gonna sit there in front of a camera and have strange males stick everything under the sun into her delicate vulpine body.  She was a dancer, not a slut.  She looked back up at Sasha, her eyes gleaming and waiting for their answer.

                "On the contrary, love, I just came to see you perform.  I had heard some good things about it, one in particular.  And I was glad to see it was true." she said, her voice low and raspy.  By her control and stature, it was obvious she was a little older than the fox.  And the fox was taken by surprise, but still held to her belief this was leading to her being asked to do a film.

                "Oh really?  And what would that be?" Champagne said.  She knew it had to be her body.  Attendance to this club had almost doubled since she began.

                "You are different from the other dancers here, Champagne." Sasha said, low and demure.  She sipped a tequila sunrise elegantly.  Her eyes blinked slowly.  Champagne was a little surprised.  She had never told Sasha her name.  She knew who Sasha was only because her friend Jeff, the one who watched her every day, had seen probably all of Sasha's films.  She looked at Sasha now, waiting for an explanation to that.  "The other girls," she continued, "Are here for the money.  They intentionally wiggle their butts in the customers faces and caress them with their tails and squeeze their breasts, but they are not having a lot of fun.  They are just earning a living.  But you... You are having fun.  You enjoy doing hat you do, and are just as excited as your lucky little paying customer."  Champagne quirked her ears.

                "How do you mean?  How do you get off thinking I am excited?  This is just a job.  I am good at it, and they give me as much money as I do because I look better than the other girls.  That's all.," she said defensively.  She also felt she was being modest here, despite the egotistical remark.

                "Champagne, honey, take off the silk glove, and place your paw underneath you, between your legs." Sasha said softly, nodding downwards.  Champagne looked at her in curiosity, and then peeled off the glove (which she felt was sexy as hell, and was being wasted on the movie buffer.) and then moves her hand down her body, and between her legs.  She gasps.  She was drenched.  This was not sweat either.  It was from a little deeper in her body.  She swallowed.  She had no idea this was happening.

                "Holy shit!" she cried softly, laying her head on the table.  "Oh my god.."  She kept her hand over her crotch, as if to hide herself.  While she could be very seductive in private with a male she was interested in, she was not the type to flash excitement at others, especially given that certain females also frequented this club.  No wonder she was so well paid.  When she did her little wiggle in the face of her paying subject, she was hitting him with more pheromones than the entire dancing staff combined.

                "Don't be embarrassed.  That is not a bad thing.  That is the key to your success.  The fact that you enjoy what you do makes you a lot more appealing to the paying customer here, and you should be proud of that.  In my line of work, most of the female employees are never able to do that, and sell themselves a little short.  That is most certainly the reason for MY popularity.  I do not do it for the money.  I just like sex.  Getting paid for it is a lot like a chocoholic getting paid to taste test candy bars." Sasha was very smooth and trained with her words.  She knew exactly what to say to relieve the sudden embarrassment of Champagne.  "C'mon, Champagne, I will walk you home..." she said softly.  The fox and bunny both lived just down the street.  Normally, Vincint, the club bouncer (he was a rabbit, so the title certainly fit him), took her home.  She felt rather comforted by Sasha, and did not have a lot of friends here, aside from the ones that wanted to see her remove her clothes.  She nodded to the bunny.

                "Okay.. Lemme tell Vincint so he does not worry.." She walked over to the other rabbit.  She kissed him on the nose and told him she was going home with Sasha.  He promptly sauntered over to her, got her autograph on a picture he just *happened* to be carrying with him, and kissed Champagne on the nose, telling her goodnight.  Champagne put on a long coat that covered her much like a trench coat, and walked out of the club with Sasha.  It was not a very busy part of town, especially this time of night.  The two walked in the misty evening air together, talking about some of the finer parts of their respective careers.  After a while, Champagne even got to the point where she was not smug with Sasha.  Their jobs were not very different, and now, she felt, if Sasha was working up to asking her to be a film star, she might take that invitation, and would have to give it more thought than just saying no.  Based on Sasha's house next door to her, though, it was obvious that the line of work she was in DID pay a little better.  The two walked leisurely, and the trip took about half an hour.  It was 2:30 when they got home, but nightlife was her life, so Champagne was not exactly tired.  She had met perhaps a new friend she had been overlooking, and was eager to talk more.

                "Well, your home safely, sweetie." Sasha said, beaming with a smile.

                "Won't you come in for a drink and more talk, Sasha?" Champagne said softly.  She was a little alarmed that she had not yet been asked to perform in a film, but even more, she found herself just wanting to talk to the bunny some more.  Her evening was to be rather dull otherwise.  Most of her other friends had day jobs and were asleep at this hour.  One of the drawbacks to having a night job like this one.

                "Sure, I would love to." Sasha said, nodding happily, her face still beaming.  Champagne unlocked her door, swishing her tail from side to side as she tried to work the key.  Finally, unlocked, it swung open.  The cold air inside greeted her.  Ahhhhh... air conditioning.  A wonderful invention.  The vixen let Sasha in and led her to the large sofa.  Sasha sat down comfortably and played with the remote for the stereo while Champagne went in and tried to find something for her new friend to drink.  As she fumbled through her cabinets and refrigerators, she heard the stereo come on with some fast paced music.  The kind she would normally dance too.  Out of habit, her hips bounced a little to the tune.

                "Don't turn it up too loud, you'll wake the neighbors!" Champagne called out.  She found the two bottles she was looking for, and headed back out.

                "Silly, I AM the neighbors." Sasha laughed.  Champagne thought a moment.  The neighbors on one side and across the street were on vacation at the beach, and Sasha was the only remaining neighbor.  She chuckled warmly, and placed Sasha's glass on the table, pouring her some lemonade and rum.  She smiled and poured herself some as well, and sat down.  For the next hour, they talked about everything, but Champagne's curiosity concerning Sasha's job always came up.  After an hour had passed, while Sasha seemed to be handling it well, all the rum had made Champagne more than a little fuzzy on the inside.  She laughed at everything, and was a little bolder with her questions now.  The conversation at this point went a little like this...


                "Wow... really.. and like.. do you swallow when you do?" Champagne said, giggling, blushing under her fur, which was already lit from the booze.

                "Yes, I do, unless the producer says not to.  I prefer swallowing, but there is more than a little charm to just getting soaked in it.  Very warm and intimate..." Sasha breathed deeply.

                "Like.. wow.. and do you ever like.. suck on them after they have been inside you?" She was now laying on the couch her head in Sasha's lap, looking up at her.  Her playful vixen nature was being allowed to show now, from the inebriation.  Sasha chuckled softly.

                "Yes.  Quite often.  They cum a lot harder after they have spent some time stuffing you with it..." she swallowed hard.  She placed one of her hands on Champagne's shoulder.  The vixen did not seem to mind.. or perhaps she was simply too drunk to notice.

                "Wow.. I do not know if I could do that.  I mean.. knowing what I taste like would just seem.. I dunno.. weird.  Wow, it feels like I am on a roller coaster.."

                "Your a little buzzed sweetie.  You act like you have never been drunk before." Sasha said, squirming a little on the couch.

                "So you have tasted yourself before?" Champagne asked, looking up at Sasha with round foxy eyes.  "So.. like.. what do you taste like?" she asked.  Sasha shivered a little.  She smiled down at the vixen in her lap.  She sat up, looking rather dizzy.

                "Well.. That particular flavor is rather hard to describe sweetie..  One of those 'you gotta be there', kind of things.  Kind of bittersweet, perhaps?  I dunno.  We all taste different." Sasha said, one ear flopped over at the moment from her relaxed state.  Champagne watched the bunny.  She was not thinking straight now, and knew it, but she was having a wonderful time with her new friend, and cursed herself for not saying anything to her sooner.  She had always seen Sasha as a movie slut, but she was very different in real life.  A real person, just like her, just making her living doing the things she loved.  The impact of the last remark set in and pricked at Champagne's curiosity again.  She smiled and leaned back on the couch, her wrap around about to fall off from the squirming around on the sofa.

                "So.. you have tasted other females?" Champagne asked a little sultrily.  This was juicy gossip to her.  Secrets and stuff.  She loved it.  Sasha looked back, her breathing a little heavier.  Her gaze fell between Champagne's legs.  She was exposed.  Champagne did not care.  She was exposed 6 hours a night.  It did not matter any.  Sasha nodded and answered.

                "A lot of them, yes. I get paid more for it, and have just as much fun."

                "And they taste different from you?" she asked.  She was certainly a very curious little thing when she was wasted.  She smiled and leaned back a little more, obviously getting pretty comfy.

                "Y..Yes, they do.. all different." Sasha swallowed again.  Champagne's eyes lit up a little.  Her mind hit a level of perversity she had not encountered before.  She realized for the first time she was exciting the rabbit porn star.  She was hot enough to excite females.  That was a big ego boost for her.  She then found herself doing something that, without such a low percentage of blood in her alcoholic stream, she would never have done.  She placed two fingers against the lips of her tight young sex, and opened her fingers, spreading herself.  She smiled through half closed eyes and the rabbit watched, her eyes glued to her hips.  She then pressed the two fingers together, and slowly dipped them into herself.  She shuddered a little to find how wet the mere conversation had made her.  She smiled at Sasha's pained and teased expression, and then pulled her fingers from herself, and placed them under her nose.  She had masturbated many times, sometimes twice and three times in a single night, but had never smelled herself afterwards.  For the first time, she inhaled deeply, taking in her scent to find out what males found so irresistible about the female scent.  It was tangy and sweet at the same time.  She allowed her tongue to snake out, keeping a close eye on Sasha, wondering if she was getting wet from watching this show.  In any other circumstance, it would not even occur to her to think of that, but right now, from all the sexual conversation, it was.  She slid her tongue between her fingers, licking them clean of her juices, which had been glistening beautifully on those two fingers.  She swallowed and moaned softly to tease Sasha, who squirmed more in her seat and placed a hand over her chest, breathing quite hard now.

                "Mmmmmm... not bad.. Not bad at all.. I cannot see what you mean by tasting different, but it is not as gross as I thought it would be."  She chuckled warmly.  She had teased the bunny enough.  Time to send her home to her sex toys.  She got up and leaned over the side of the couch to get her bag and hand it to her.  As she did so, she felt something that simply made her freeze.  A powerful and deep lick, directly into her sex.  She gasped hard and simply could not move.  Sasha misinterpreted the action.  Champagne was bent over the edge of the couch, lips glistening and fully exposed, and now, for the first time in her life, she had a female tongue inside her.  Before she could protest, she felt it again, this time, it traced a tight, hard circle around her already stiffened clit.  She gasped and leaned a little more heavily over the couch.  She whimpered for her to stop, but so softly she should not even hear herself.  She felt that tongue again, brush over her clit.  Flitting from side to side.  She would have quickly sat down.  She would have cried out for her to stop.  She would have slapped her and threw her out.. but she had never felt anything so good in her life.  Guilt being filtered out by the rum, inhibition lost in the liquor, she remained doubled over the arm of the couch, getting her surprise.  She tried to put her tail down, succeeding only in draping it over Sasha's back as her tongue scraped the lips of her vulpine pussy timidly at first, tantalizingly.  Then she licked harder.  She knew where and how, trained fully in how to get a normally cold porn actress to really enjoy it and put on a better show for the camera.  No male had ever made her tingle like that.  Champagne found herself spreading her legs a little more for the bunny.  She could not help it.  It felt so good.  So right, even though she had been so hard trained that it was wrong.  She lifted her head up and looked underneath her.  The bunny was on her back with her legs draped over the other arm of the couch, her legs spread.  Her shorts were on the floor, and her panties hooked over her left ankle, simply not removed all the way.  She had her head under Champagne's thigh, and her tongue dipping into her as if mining for oil, stuffing deeply into her, twisting, then pulling out and swallowing her juices.  She even moaned on occasion, sending vibrations through her clit like a vibrator that had been specially tuned to meet her needs.  One hand on her breast, Sasha began to play with her nipples while she licked and moaned softly.  She noticed she was being watched, and moved her hand down, between her legs, pressing two fingers into herself, and strumming herself a little with them.  Champagne could not help but watch intently.  Her breathing had become more shallow and frequent.  She could feel the heat in her belly rising up, the tingling starting.  She cursed herself silently for enjoying this so much.  She was not a lesbian.  What in the hell was she doing?  But she could not make it stop.  She did not want it to stop.  Sasha stopped licking a moment and spoke, panting a little.

                "Mmmm.. Oh, I did not even dream you would be letting me to this to you..." she returned to her licking, pumping her fingers in and out of herself like a hard, humming sex toy, her hips bucking slightly at her skilled hand-movements.

                "I did not think I would either..  Mmm.. ohh god.." she cried, licking her lips and panting a little. She knew now.  She was not going to make her stop.  This was going to have to finish.  She was too far along on her descent to orgasmic frenzy.  An army outside ordering her to stop would not have had an effect now.  Her hot breasts were pressed against the arm of the couch, and she moved her body back and forth to roll her nipples against it a little.  She looked down again, lifting her breasts to see what it looked like, another female underneath her.  As she watched, Sasha moved her hand from her pussy and placed it under Champagne's nose.  The vixen was a little disgusted at first.  But the tingling of being so well licked and the rum still very in effect, she succumbed to it, and licked Sasha's glistening fingers.  Sasha was more sweet, and Champagne more tart.  She moaned, her excitement rising at her own action.

                "Turn around and put your hands on my knees, Champagne." Sasha said sultrily, panting.  Champagne did as she was told, moaning softly, unable to believe what she was doing.  It seemed that Sasha wanted her to watch as she played with herself.  The fox didn't mind.  If she did not like what she was seeing, she would just close her eyes and enjoy that magnificent tongue.  Also, if she did not do as she was told, she risked the rabbit deciding to stop and call this whole thing of, and in her aroused condition, that was the last thing Champagne wanted to happen.  She turns and placed her hand on Sasha's knees, straddling her face.  The couch was long enough to do this, fortunately, without wedging uncomfortably.  After what felt like an eternity, she felt the bunny's tongue back on her.  But she was not masturbating anymore.  She just flowed freely with her juices while she licked.  Champagne found herself thinking about the sweet taste the rabbit had.  She had already tasted her.  Another female.  There really was nothing more extreme now.  It would not hurt, would it?  Besides, it was not like anyone would ever find out about it, and it was only one night in a drunken stupor.  She leaned her muzzle down, slipped out her tongue, and touched the beautiful swollen clit poking out between her spread, slicked lips.  Sasha jumped a little and stuffed her tongue deep into Champagne.  She moaned loudly.  Reward.  She was being rewarded for it.  She wanted that again.  She wanted to feel herself filled like that again. She held Sasha's pussy open with one paw, the other supporting her weight on the arm of the couch.  She pressed her tongue on Sasha's clit and swirled it briskly, pressing tight against her, unable to believe what she was now doing with her next-door neighbor.  Sasha mimicked her movements exactly.  The vixen almost cried out in desperation, and realized that she had control here of what she felt by doing what she wanted to feel to the other female.  This intoxicated her with more lust than she had alcohol, which was being burned off a little now.  She played her tongue across the bunny's clit, flitting it from side to side, and bucking her hips a little as she was treated with the same favor.  She felt herself slipping to about an eight on her 1-10 orgasm scale.  She was gonna cum hard, and soon.  She pressed her tongue deep into the bunny, snaking it in and out of her, her vulpine tongue simply longer than that of the rabbit, her jaws opened wide as she stuffed that tongue in.  Her teeth scraped through her pubic hair, and the rabbit did the same.  Champagne began to cry out softly, her juices running freely now.  This was how she wanted it.  It was going to happen, but she wanted more on her clit.  She had to have more.  But she wanted to be filled.  She pressed two fingers into the rabbit, who now was squirming and moaning too.  She was going as fast in descent now as the fox.  Champagne rolled her tongue around and around and around the tingling little clit-nub as she hammered her fingers in and out of the bunny, who, in turn, filled her with two digits.

                "Oh god, YES!!" Champagne cried.  It was perfect.  The skill of the tongue, the fingers rolling on her g-spot deep inside.  She tried to keep up with the skill and power, shaking now, feeling the oncoming torrent.  Her body burned with lust and need.  "Oh god.. mmm.. nnnng... Don't stop.. Oooh.. nnnn.." She began smearing around her licking tongue, flitting it over the bunny's clit hard and fast, and finally, Sasha thrashed a little, and locked up, her fingers stopping, and her tongue alone being all that could move.  Her feminine cum poured from her, and Champagne kept licking.  It was not stopping yet.  She was not finished.  She was too close to orgasm.  She felt the trembling female beneath her regain control, though still wailing with orgasm she began franticly pumping her fingers in and out, licking and sucking her clit desperately.  Champagne tilted her head back, her body flushed pink under her fur and it slammed into her like a 100 ft fall.  Her body pummeled by her first female induced orgasm, she was worked into a frothy wet frenzy, stuffing her muzzle into Sasha and screaming, licking her desperately, wanting her to stop, but not knowing how, her mind completely gone.  Sasha continue to mimic Champagne, and her body ached from it, her clit hypersensitive as her hips bucked and suddenly the bunny locked up again, wailing even louder, and at the sound, Champagne felt something she had never before experienced, even when masturbating.  Her second orgasm was more powerful that the first, leaving her pouring onto the bunny's soaked face and onto her tongue as her jaws opened in a feral scream.  Champagne wailed too, shuddering and flexing and bolting as everything burned, tingled, and it seemed every part of her vulpine body was fully involved in this orgasm.  Even her fingers tingled inside the bunny as if they were gushing into her, filling her with cum.  Finally, Sasha stopped.  Champagne panted heavily in relief.  That was rough!  She looked under her body at her.  The vixen gasped slightly.  Sasha had her eyes closed, her breathing slowly returning to normal.  The expression on her face said it all.  She was out.  Champagne relaxed a little more, knowing the oral torment was likely over for the night.  And then she became painfully aware of just how much that dual orgasm took out of her.  She rolled off the couch sideways, falling in the floor, staring at the spinning ceiling.  She looked up at the unconscious rabbit.  Then back at the ceiling, and then darkness swallowed her, and she drifted off to sleep only an hour before sunrise.


To Be Continued?


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