Passion... Loving Dawn till Dusk
by Alps Aris Sarsis

                Dawn crossed her arms and looked at the expanse of brush and squat little cacti all over the place.  There were no roads.  There were no houses.  There was nothing out here but hot sunshine, rattlesnakes, and tumbleweeds.  There was nothing to drink, nothing to eat, nothing at all to allow survival to anything but the bugs and snakes.  She cracked a smile.

                “Perfect!” she squealed under her breath.  She strutted back to her jeep, humming a cheerful tune.  She pulled her pack out of it and lashed it to her back, and looked out.  It was mid-afternoon.  It was very hot, but it would be much cooler by the time she reached her destination.


                Dawn was a geologist.  Her job was to study rock formations, and figure out how they were patterned in this area, and compare it with data found in other regions to discern anomalies that needed to be researched more closely.  Two separate scientific foundations were paying her for her work, and she was more than willing to do it.  The anthro collie shielded her eyes under the brim of her white cowboy hat, as lone tumbleweed bounced by.  Her long well groomed fur whipped in the same wind, casting her feminine scent to the heavens, to be sampled by the envious sun.  She was truly a flower in the sand, her booted feet kicking small clouds of dust with each footfall.  She looked at her compass, and walked in a specific direction from her starting point, not following a road, only her compass.  Her white vest, which sported Indian beadwork in turquoise and silver, as well as neat and even tassels, cast back a fair amount of the heat that would have tormented her, and her spurs, more for effect than function.  Her light blue jeans, stonewashed, traced her powerful legs superbly as she pressed on.  Over them, she wore leather riding chaps, also sporting tassels, and leather gloves.  She was fully decked out as a cowgirl.  One of her very favorite outfits, though no one would get to see it.  She was in the middle of nowhere.  For two hours, like this, her tail waving behind as she cheerfully hummed her tune, she walked.


                She liked this job for two reasons.  The first was rather simple.  She liked science.  She liked contributing to discoveries, or finding out a peculiar circumstance, which was to become the life work of some overpaid college grad.  The second however...


                Dawn finally arrived at her destination.  It looked like an old dried up water hole.  It was essentially a hole in the ground.  It was about 20 feet deep, and almost a quarter mile across.  It had calcite formations in it, which showed that it might have once been a mineral spring.  She was to get samples and bring them back.  Simple enough.  Most geologists would not have driven out here to the middle of nowhere and willingly gotten the samples for the small amount she was offered, but she did.  Not because of the scientific merit of the cause, but because of the isolation.  There was no one around for miles and miles and miles.  It was her other reason for loving her job, her favorite past time.  She set her pack down with a dull thud, and got out four specimen boxes, and her steel pick.  She set them in a row and smiled, moving over to a formation.  It looked like an old dried out fallen tree.  But it was rock.  Mottled with white and clear textures.  She then proceeded with her MAIN reason for coming out here.  She began unfastening the buttons to her vest.  The sun was beginning to sink below a hill.  It was starting to cool down.  In the desert, it got cooler very quickly.  As her vest fell open, it was extremely apparent in bold scientific fact.  Her pink nipples, soft and supple, slowly drew tight, and perked up, hard and alert.  She stretched and inhaled, squealing happily. She then undid her chaps and slid them down, placing her vest on her pack less than gracefully, tossing it to the side.  She took off her boots and wriggled out of the chaps, nearly falling over, giggling.  She then unfastened her belt and her jeans, and slid them down, pulling them off.  She wore no panties.  They simply made her feel restricted.  She folded the jeans and dropped them on top of the pack.  Her legs look strong and youthful, and her butt was round and tight, perfect in every way.  She made the heavens weep with desperation to touch her; so high up, and never able to come any more near.  The wind blew a little harder, as if to caress her lovely body fully.  She stood for a moment, her legs apart, as the wind blew, taking the heat from between her legs, exposing her delicate folds to the cool evening air.  She moaned softly.  She then reached down and grabbed her chaps again.  She slid them on and fastened them loosely.  She sighed deeply.  Wearing only gloves, hat, and her chaps, she went to her knees.  This was it, her second reason for coming out here.


Dawn loved to be naked.  The more time she could spend with her breasts and sex exposed to the world, the happier she would be.  Of course, this was not an “in town” obsession, as she would be arrested, and her esteem as a scientist would drop like a rock, but out here, she could do whatever she wanted.  At first, she got very little work done, as being outside and nude, working alone, made her so franticly aroused, that she would take out hours of sexual frustration on anything she had with her.  Soda bottles, the handle of her small mining pick, or even some of her samples.  If only some of her colleagues knew.  They would use a scratch test, and a sniff test for their minerals.  But she had grown used to it, and while she still loved it so much that it was all she thought about while going to the scene, she no longer felt the powerful desire to masturbate on scene.  On occasion, she still would, but she would only do so after she was finished working.  She gazed at the huge orange ball of the setting sun with her sparkling blue eyes, her long white hair whipped by the late evening breeze, and she went to work.


                Dawn had only begun to work when she heard it.  A soft moan.  She stood up, her eyes round, wild, fearful.  What if it was a fellow geologist, looking for samples?  What would he or she think?  She turned her head from side to side, her eyes darting around.  Then she saw the source.  There was a coat hung over a large racks about ten meters away.  Was it someone in distress?  Had a rattlesnake bitten them?  She grabbed her pack and moved swiftly over to the rock face, her feet landing noiselessly, bare against soft dust.  As she rounded the side of the rock to see who it was that emitted the pitiful moan, she gasped.


                “Jake, stop!  Stop, stop it Jake, there, oh.” She was a coyote.  She was short and slim, and very much nude, laying on her back on top of a woven blanket.  Beside her, his paws busily working over her crotch, his fingers glistening, was a squirrel.  He was stocky and very well groomed, shiny in fact, his gray fur catching the waning light as he slowly moved over the almost panicking coyote fem, his lips finding her nipples.  Dawn stood there, her mouth gaping.  She looked at the frantic expression on the coyote, and decided not to ruin the two furs’ fun.  She smiled at her warmly, and nodded at “Jake.”  He looked to be about 18 or so, and the coyote was obviously a bit older, around 30.  Perhaps she lured him out here for this very purpose, against the wishes of his family.  These kinds of relationships were so common, but bizarre to the older generation.


                “Oh, I’m so sorry.  I just thought that somebody was in trouble.  Dun mind me.  Jest keep right on going, I will get back to work, getting mineral samples and leave you alone.” Dawn said rather hurriedly, in her thick Texan accent, bowing almost Japanese style to the two lovers.  Jake squealed like a little girl in fright, and turned over, facing Dawn on his back like a beaten dog.


                “Holy SHIT!” he cried, and then his eyes widened as he saw how she was dressed.  He froze, unable to take his eyes off of her.  Dawn had almost forgotten that she was more or less naked.  She froze too, the memory of the fact coming back to her.  She smiled sheepishly.

                “Who. Who are you?” the coyote female asked, reaching over for her shirt.  Dawn suddenly felt bad.  She ruined this beautiful intimate moment.

                “I’m just a geologist.  I came here for rock samples.  I heard some moan an’ thought it mighta been someone in trouble.  I never imagined.   Please. you kin continue, I won’t bother you.  I can just git my samples and go to another part of the waterhole, so I can’t hear you.  I ain’t gonna ruin yer fun.”  She backed up slowly.  The coyote looked at her playmate, and smiled almost wickedly.

                “Wait.. I.. I am curious... why.. Are you dressed like that?  If you are only looking for samples.”  She said.  Dawn sighed and blushed heavily under her fur.  She gazed at the squirrel, who was swaying.  It was true that Dawn had a very lovely body, perhaps even more so than the almost overly thin coyote he was with.  She could tell that he was enjoying the view, and was making no attempt not to stare.  Even beginning to drool.  He panted softly, still highly aroused from his interrupted sexual encounter.  He still had shorts on though.  Cut off jean shorts, bulging severely in the front.  Dawn finally answered.

                “I. Like bein’ nude.  That’s all.”  She looked away, noting that she was staring at the ‘yote’s boytoy.  She looked back at the coyote.  She felt kinda strange.  Perhaps she should introduce herself.  “I’m sorry. Name’s Dawn.  Nice to um.. meet ya..”  The coyote looked at her mate, seeing that his eyes were glued on Dawn’s body.  She grinned again.  It was actually rather disturbing to Dawn.

                “You two want each other pretty bad, huh?” she asked.  Dawn gasped and looked at the coyote in shock.  She was still grinning.  The collie swallowed.  She had not truly thought about it, but when asked, it forced her too.  The squirrel, a stranger, in the evening, miles from civilization, never to meet again. Her, on her hands and knees, taking it as fast as he could give it, crying out, begging, needing...  If she didn’t before, she wanted it now.  She shook her head.

                “Of..Of course not.  I don’t know him. I have never met him before.”  He said nothing.  He just looked at his mate, and nodded.  Dawn was in further shock.  At least HE was being honest, but knowing that he wanted her too did not make her arousal go away any faster. 

                “I thought so.”  The coyote laughed softly and pushed Jake to his back, and began to undo the button and zipper of his shorts.  Dawn was almost shaking with restrained arousal.

                “What are you? What are you DOING?” Dawn fairly cried.

                “I want you too, Dawn.  The vote is not in your favor it seems.  Two against one.” she said, her tongue flicking out to lick the air in a very erotic fashion.  She pulled the squirrel’s shorts down and his cock came quickly into view.  No teasing, nothing.  Just a quick jerk, and his shorts were gone, and the collie had an unrestricted view of the squirrel.  And she was instantly wet.  She swallowed, and fell back against the large rock, leaning on it.  She gazed at the two, as they got up, completely nude.  They had a very predatory look in their eyes.

                “Now jest you two wait a minute...” Dawn said, holding her hands out, as if to ward them off.  “I might have been possibly maybe willing to do it out here, under the stars and all. But I am just not into girl/girl stuff.  That’s not me... I’m sorry.”  The coyote girl laughed and fell to her knees in front of the rock, slightly beside Dawn, who scooted aside slightly?  Jake moved over to the rock, and leaned back against it, his erection dripping a long ribbon of pre to the moisture starved earth below.  Dawn felt a very unmistakable tingle.

                “In a little bit, girl, that ain’t gonna make a bit o’ difference...  You will be wantin’ it so bad, you don’t care who or what gives it to ya.” the coyote girl said. “The names Jessica.  Nice to meet you too.” at this, the coyote girl moved her muzzle over her mate’s cock, taking it all in, and allowing her cheeks to cave in as she very gently sucked on him, his glistening shaft slowly sliding in and out of her mouth.  He closed his eyes and moaned long and low.  Jessica moved one hand around his base, holding his skintight over his erection, making him look harder, slicker.  Her other hand plunged down her body and between her legs.  Though Dawn did not have a view of it, she knew that the coyote was enjoying a little self-induced pleasure.  She moaned around the squirrel’s thick, pulsing cock, holding the bases tight and ticking her head back and forth.  Dawn’s mind raced.  What was she doing?  Why was she still here?  This couple was nuts!  But she could not move.  She could not help but to watch these two.  They were just as open as she was about being nude, right?  It was not wrong, no more wrong than her being here with no clothes.  She watched that delicious looking moving in and out of the coyote’s muzzle, and sometimes, she would look up at Dawn, to see if she was still watching, releasing the cock to give it a few long, flaunting strokes, running her fingers over the tip, and squeezing from base to tip to get a drop of pre to appear, and then lapping it off before swallowing seven inches of the squirrel again, moaning and rocking against her fingers underneath her.  Dawn stood now with her legs slightly parted.  Subconsciously, she had begun to play with her rock hard nipples; her hips moving forward in time with the back and forth motion of Jessica’s head.  While his eyes had been closed for the most part, Jake noticed, and reached over to Dawn’s tummy, and began to caress her.  She gasped at first, and then looked up, at the stars.  She let herself imagine that Jessica was nowhere around.  It was just Jake, beside her, leaning on this rock.  His paws moving down her belly, toward her glistening folds, her legs parted for him.  She did not care anymore about the coyote.  She was dripping with sexual wetness.  It ran down to her chaps.  Finally, his eager fingers found her sensitive little nub, which begged and pleaded to be touched, and he began to roll his short claws over it.  Dawn moaned softly.  She held her eyes shut.  Her mind cycled the image of that young squirrel.  Doing everything she wanted him to do.  Pushing her chest against the stone while her banged her from behind.  Throwing her to the dust, and rolling her to the blanket, her ending up on top, his cock slipping into her and her riding him hard and fast until she felt him squirt.  All these images ran through her mind as she felt her arousal, her pleasure rise and rise and rise.  She enjoyed the feeling of her clit being stimulated by another, a stranger.  Faster, Harder, in little circles, and even slipping inside.  She cried out softly, her legs quivering.  She felt her lover’s arms caress hers, caress her breasts.  She placed her hands on the rock.  Her hips rolled back and forth.  She was getting close.  Then it struck her.  Jakes hands were both on her breasts.  She opened her eyes slightly.  He was playing with her nipple, and while he was still being heavily sucked on by the coyote tramp, her hand tight around his base, making him rock hard while she devoured him with lust, her other hand, the one that only moments ago had been diving between her own folds, were now invading Dawn’s.  Dawn gasped, and thought to bolt, to get away from her.  Maybe run off and rape the squirrel, since he was so hard, but that thought made her more intensely ready.  Close.  She was close.  She threw her head back, her mind spinning.  It was a female.  She was going to cum for the girl coyote.  She cried out in fear and ecstasy simultaneously as she felt a tongue probe her.  She looked down and saw thick ribbons of white cum jetting in high volume from the tip of that thick squirrel cock while Jessica’s tongue pressed itself deep into the folds of the collie’s cunt, rolling franticly over her buzzing little nub.  Normally, she would have jerked that yote’s head back and slit her throat for this, but the sight of that gushing cock, Jessica’s small hand pumping back and forth over it’s length as it gushed, was too much.  She wailed as her legs gave out, and Jake held her up while she spasmed, cumming hard all over the coyote girl’s face.  She slurped hungrily inside Dawn for a while, then moved her head back over, nursing the remaining drops from his throbbing cock, and then, just not stopping.  She pulled her head back and forth, causing him to writhe a bit, while Dawn panted heavily, in shock at the realization that it was hands down the most blinding orgasm she ever had in her life.  The sun was almost down, unable to be seen now.  The sky was painted indigo and orange and red. How long had the groping and touching and masturbating lasted?  It seemed like so little time, but.


                Finally, Jessica took her muzzle off Jake.  He crumpled to the ground, his cock soft, spent.  Dawn sighed softly.  She had so wanted to feel it inside her.

                “Awww. I’m sorry. Did you want some of that too?” Jessica cooed.  Dawn swallowed, and supposed that there was little point anymore in lying about it.

                “Y..yes.. I did.” she panted.

                “We can make him hard again, you know. If he watched us for a bit, then you could feel him inside you... Just like you imagined.” she said.  Dawn’s mind was reeling, but she could not say now.  She had to feel it.  She had to feel that thick white cum bursting into her.  That image was locked in her mind, and she would not be able to shake it if she just walked away.

                “Yes. Yes anything.” she panted, “What do I do. How do I make him hard?” she crumbled to her knees.  He was on his knees beside her, watching his insatiable mate.  She smiled at Dawn wantonly.

                “Return the favor.” she said.  Dawn looked at her blankly.  The coyote layed on her back on the blanket and put her middle and index fingers on either side of her cunt and held open the delicate folds.  Dawn swallowed hard.  Having it done to her was one thing, it was hard enough, but doing it back?  Then she thought of that thick member pounding in and out of her, fast and hard, the squirrel driven sexually mad at the sight of his mate taken by the sexy collie.  She crawled over to the coyote and caressed her legs, and then muttered softly.

                “Ahh.. What the hell, it’s not like I tried it before. Ain’t no turnin’ back now anyway.” holding the wet folds open, Dawn plunged her tongue deep into that searing, tight slit.  She held her tongue there a moment, and then drew it out, and swallowed, it was not as “disgusting” as she thought it would be.  She began to slowly lick.  Her tongue rolled over that tight, almost quivering little nub, and Jessica’s back arched.  She moaned deeply.  Dawn moaned too, though not really sure why.  She held her open wide, and invaded her with her tongue.  She felt awkward, having never done it before, but the coyote’s reactions let her know that if she kept doing what she was doing, the favor would be repaid in full.  Dawn lapped faster.  The sun was down completely now.  There were no hues of color, just stars, and silvery moonlight that cast long shadows as it rose opposite of the sun.  Dawn found herself playing with her nipples as the ecstatic coyote writhed at her ministrations.  Dawn flicked that little nub, just as she so loved her flicked by the few males who were really good at oral sex, and it caused the girl to buck.  Dawn squealed in delight, and muffled herself with Jessica’s sex, moaning into her, and lapping at her franticly, remembering what she liked, what felt good to her, and suddenly, almost causing her to bite of her own tongue, she felt 7 inches of rock hard flesh slide into her dripping pussy.  She jerked her head back and cried out at the top of her lungs.  “Ohh gawd YES!!” and threw her head back down.  This is what she wanted.  Jake held his thick masculinity inside her, still, swelling, throbbing, for a while, while the night air filled with the sounds of her desperate licking and Jessica’s cries of approaching orgasm.  Dawn rolled her hips lightly as she felt that thick mass work it’s way in and out slowly, pulling her inside, and pressing her back in.  She pressed herself against him, desperate.  She was already close.  Licking this coyote fem and teasing her tits had brought her half way there already.  Her orgasm hit suddenly, and she squeezed hard around his cock, and he sped up, making a second, smaller one almost immediately wash over her.  She plunged herself back onto him, driving him as deep as she could while her spasming sex milked him eagerly, wanting to feel his cum spraying into her.  Her mind was wrapped around his cock as tight as her cunt was, and she was only shaken into awareness by the sudden surge of juices as Jessica wailed in orgasm.  Jake started really pounding Dawn at the sound of her cumming, and Dawn licked faster and harder.  If she were getting multiple orgasms from Jake, then Jessica would have to endure the sex just as long.

                “Again!  Again!  Oh god. AGAIN!” she choked out, wailing at the top of her lungs as her juices continued to empty from her.  Jake was grunting behind Dawn as he thrust faster into her, holding her rump as he drove himself in and out, harder, deeper.  He groaned very loud a few times, and then held still.

                “!” he cried.  Dawn rolled her hips.  Yes.  Now.  She had to have it.  Her body buckled as the floodgates opened.  Her most powerful orgasm ever hit her, just as Jessica arched her back again and grabbed Dawn’s white, mussed hair.  As she lapped up the mess, her body buzzed in tingled from the sensation of thick, powerful jets of cum splattering against the back wall of her searing sex.  She rolled against him until he fell back, his cock still slightly running with cum, his body shaking, his mind also spent from that orgasm.  Dawn collapsed too, her head resting on Jessica’s belly, rising and falling as she gasped for air, and the dark, cold night, became darker, and silent, and sleep came unannounced.


Alps Aris Sarsis

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