Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

Okay.. I know when I have had enough, and in this case, you better frickin believe I had enough! I was quick, and seized her by the wrists, as she sat over me, and I rolled quickly. I was not unfamiliar with fighting, whoever I was, and my sudden change in stance from running away to fighting certainly was unexpected! 

I grabbed her whip, coiled up beside us, and then elbowed her in the side of the head, dazing her. I had to act quickly, or I would lose control of this opportunity, and probably be killed. She held her head, whimpering, and growling loudly, as I pushed her onto all fours, and then laid down, grabbing her wrists, looping the leather whip tightly around her wrists in a few different angles. 

She struggled, trying to get to her knees, to then rise to her feet. I threw the end of the whip between her thighs, and just pulled tight, her hands going between her thighs, and all the way back to her ankles as he cheek went to the ground with an audible thump. She cried out, as she spread her thighs a bit, to try to brace the ground, and get away. 

I looped the whip around her thighs, pulling them tight around her arms, and then under her shins, and then back to her hands, where I tied it off into a tight knot. In this position, she could not move. She could not even rock herself enough really to fall over. She was stuck. She wailed and growled and spit, frenzied, as she looked back up at me, her cheek against the ground, her tail between her legs, keeping her modesty, if she really had any, and her body quaking with rage. 

The jet-black vixen’s face was pressed against the ground, as well as her chest, and her hands were tied to her shins, more or less, and her legs were spread slightly, bowed around her arms, which were secured so tightly to her lower legs. I could not help but think that, if we had been friends, something like this would have been kinda kinky. I inhaled deeply, feeling safe again, and wondering what to do from here..

Run away. She won’t be getting free any time soon, and you will be long, long gone by the time she does.
Poor girl. Try to bond with her, since she can’t hurt you now, and let her know you are gentle and kind, really.
Tied up, and can’t fight back. Give her what she’s got coming to her. Hard and fast.


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