Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

Well, I had her talking, and not beating on me quite as much. This, at least, was a good start. Better than I thought I was gonna get. I stayed where I was at, though, knowing a sudden move might bother her, or make her try to hurt me again. I looked at the knife, and nodded softly. 

"Yes.. Hurt.. Please don’t hurt me.. I don’t like that.” I said, using two fingers carefully, to redirect the knife away from me. She paused for a while, looking at me in silence. Silence was still better than being slapped around. Finally, she carefully resheathed her knife, and put her hand on my chest, caressing it up and down, which would be very sweet, were it not for the fact that she was playing with the pooling blood in my fur. 

She streaked a very interesting design in my fur with my own blood, and I began to wonder if it was to make a sacrifice of me. I tensed up a bit, but when I looked at her face, she was actually smiling, though she looked rather determined. From what I had seen so far, the thought of killing me was not making her happy. I began to wonder what her true intentions were now. I reached up and touched her hand, which she drew away, reaching for her knife again. I put my hands back down, as she gazed at me. She pointed at the little wounds her knife had made over my chest.

“Hurt?” she asked. I nodded. They didn’t hurt much, but it hurt when she inflicted them. She leaned over then, and touched her lips to one of the wounds, gently, tenderly licking and suckling the blood. I felt ill at first. This was truly dark! How could this happen to me?! She was feeding from me.. Or was it ritual? Was she going to kill me? What could I do?

Hit her. The sick little freak vixen..
Let her. It’s actually tender and sweet.. Better than her slitting your throat.



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