Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

I didn’t want her freaking out like that, but I knew that I definitely wanted her. I shushed her softly, gently, putting my finger to my lips.

“Shhhh.. It’s okay.. Not gonna hurt you..” I said softly. She looked at me angrily, but didn’t do anything else. Despite her hand around my throat, she didn’t try to crush. Not yet. I placed my hands on her hips, and began to caress slowly.. softly, as she growled, the vixen still seeming none-to-interested in my idea, but I was persistent. I could not afford for her to suddenly see me as weak and unwilling, especially if this was, in fact, what she wanted, and she just didn’t understand her natural tendencies at this time. She was wild, after all. 

I continued to caress her beautiful curves, and then slid my hand down to the base of her tail, beginning to massage slowly. If she had the spark of mating in her, the need for it, this would surely awaken it. Her growl stifled, and her eyes widened a bit, and she lowered her head, gripping my neck a little tighter. I resumed my tender, gentle approach, massaging the base of her tail with one hand, and caressing the swell of her chest with the other. 

I wondered if this was the first time she’d been around a male. I knew if she was alone out here, it was certainly possible. I gave her firm, large breast a squeeze, and she squeezed my neck accordingly, so I relaxed my grip, just caressing her chest through the thick leather hide she was wearing, somehow sun-bleached white as it was. It was soft, and supple, but I knew she couldn’t really feel much through it. I looked over her shoulder, where it was tied. That, and the hide belt she wore around her waist where she kept her knife, was all she had to hold that garment on. I wanted to see her. If she was going to kill me, I wanted to see her. 

She looked back at my pulsing pink shaft again, which twitched just for her amusement, I suppose. She looked back at me, just as my hand reached her shoulder, and untied the strap there. The front and back of the garment fell, revealing her chest. Smooth, black-velvet breasts beckoned me, her nipples perking in the cool air as it washed over them, turgid black as well. Her eyes widened, and she pressed me harder to the ground, her hand tight around my throat now, making it hard to breathe. I started to massage the base of her tail a bit more, hearing a whine in the back of her throat as I did so. She softened her grip on my neck, and looked at me through half-closed eyes of jade.

“Ana shiras..” she said softly. I didn’t know what it meant, but I suppose it probably meant ‘please stop.’ or something of that nature. But, I continued. She didn’t say it again, as she leaned forward, keeping a very close grip on my throat, as my hand slid up along her back, caressing through her fur slowly, as she pressed her hips a little more firmly against my tummy. I wondered softly to myself if I was actually arousing her, my claw tips sifting along her back, my other hand rubbing and teasing the dock of her tail. I inhaled deeply, considering what would be safe to do next..

Caress her some more. Tease her for a while.
Go ahead and start giving her intimate attention.. she seems ready.


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