Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

I smiled up at her, as she looked back at me, growling. She didn’t know she wanted it, but she’d know soon enough. Nature was the deciding factor here. I reached up, as her hand squeezed around my throat a little more tightly, and undid the strap that held her garment over her shoulder. That white leather fell away, and revealed her round, dark, velvety breasts, capped in black nipples, heavy.. so touchable. Her hand squeezed tighter, making me a bit dizzy, but I wasn’t going to give up. 

I placed both my hands on her breasts, as she growled deeply, and gave her a few soft, eager squeezes. I felt her nipples between my fingers as I squeezed. This was so arousing. She kept her grip, but it loosened a bit, as I started to stroke and play with her perking nipples. She was getting aroused. She had to be. I wriggled under her a bit, moving up, as she leaned forward a bit more, making sure she didn’t lose control of me. I smiled up at her, as I found myself in position to start pressing my swollen member against her mound. I held still a moment though, rubbing and caressing her breasts some more, giving them the occasional squeeze. 

She half closed her eyes, looking disgusted still, but I felt that I still had the right idea. Even if she wasn’t happy about it, her body was screaming for this. Nature wanted her to do this more than she wanted to do it, and it might be the only thing that would save my bacon. I looked into her eyes, a warm smile on my face, showing her that I was not trying to hurt her. Still, she growled, though her hand was not so tight around my throat. I reached up and caressed the vixen’s back and shoulders, using my claw-tips, pleasantly, as I raised my hips, pressing my shaft against her mound, spreading her labia against my girth. She gasped, and squeezed harder, making my head swim. I didn’t stop though. 

My shaft pressed between my tummy and her sex, I rolled my hips softly, stroking her. She growled long and low, bringing her head down and biting an ear hard. I cried out softly, and then angled my hips, and pressed up, sinking all eight inches of my shaft into her wet pussy. She cried out, and shuddered, then punched me in the side of the head, and held my throat tight again, but didn’t try to get off of me. I left my head to the side, not looking at her, as my hands went down to her hips, and held them firmly against mine. For a long time, we did not move, her hard growling the only sound. I had to decide now, whether it was worth the risk to really do this..

Roll her onto her back, and give it to her hard and fast!
Stay where you are, and start loving her from underneath.


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