Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

This was insane! I had a small window of time before she manage to overpower me, as wild and vicious as she was, and I decided to use that window of time to buy myself a bit more time. I brought my elbow up, and then back down hard on her temple, laying that bitch out! She went limp, and just laid there. I gazed at her for a moment. 

She was still breathing. I had only knocked her out. Perfect! I got up, and I ran back the way I originally came, making sure to leave tracks, and then, trying not to leave tracks, circled around, and headed the way I had been going again! I was able to run for some time, covered in blood like I was, but due to the bleeding, and to how long I had already been traveling before I met up with this wild vixen, I slowed down, panting, and sat down a moment. As I was sitting, reflecting on how I would escape the forest, I heard another rustle of leaves.

I got back up, looking around, not knowing which way it came from, or which way to run. I gritted my teeth, looking all around, before feeling a sudden thump on my head. Blood ran down my muzzle and face as I crumpled to the ground, twitching. I rolled onto my back, tongue lolling out, as paralysis viciously set in, seeing that dark shape.. that murderous vixen up in the trees, holding another large rock. 

How she got those huge rocks up there, I will never know. Certainly less would I know how she got them up there, right over my head, without me hearing her. I watched as she hurled the other one down, unable to move, or even make a sound. Bigger and bigger the rock got, before.. *crunch* There was nothingness.



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