Sirius part 2
by Alps Aris Sarsis

When Alps awoke again, it was already morning. In fact, the sun had been up for some time. He looked in the bed beside him. Nidaja was not there. Alps got out of bed and put on his clothes. He went downstairs. Sure enough, Nidaja was happily eating breakfast in the hotel cafeteria. She bought Alps some food. Good food. A lot of it. Alps ate as if it would be his last meal, just as he was used to doing. Nidaja looked at him carefully, frowned, and shook her head.

"You aren't used to good food, either, eh?" she asked.

Alps shrugged. After their meal, they packed Nidaja's things and approached a horse-drawn buggy. It was very large, and a vixen, a little older than Nidaja, was at the reigns.

"Hi!" Alps greeted her. She smiled. "Is this him?" she asked.

"Right!" Nidaja chimed. "I think he will be perfect!" Alps looked at the two vixens. They were smiling, so they probably had no ill intent.

"Does he perform well for being so young?" the vixen asked.

"I got five to his three." Nidaja answered cheerfully. Alps eyes widened. What were they talking about?

"That's pretty good." the driver responded, "I know you aren't easy to finish in bed. He must have a pretty good natural endurance." Alps almost choked. They were talking openly about last night! He stared at the vixens in near-horror.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Nidaja sighed, "Misty, this is Alps, Alps, this is Misty Metsuko. Misty is one of my best friends. She is a medical doctor and a scholar. She is vacationing with me." Alps nodded in greeting.

"Quiet, huh?" Misty asked.

Nidaja frowned. "Not always." she said. She looked curiously at Alps.

"Does she know..." Alps started uneasily. Why would Nidaja tell about last night? She couldn't be proud of it. Alps was a slave.

"Oh, Alps, don't be shy!" Misty laughed, "We're all your friends. I am a medical doctor. I have to give you a medical exam later on tonight, and I would find out about last night during the exam anyway. Besides, you were contributing to Nidaja's psychological health last night by helping her work out some of her tension. It is helpful for me to know you are doing that. Nidaja had a lot of fun. I am sure you feel nice today, though maybe a little sore." Alps smiled. He wasn't sore. He was a strong servant.

"C'mon!" Nidaja barked, jumping into the luxurious buggy. Alps followed her in to find it well decorated inside with a deep, long seat at the back. Nidaja and Alps sat beside each other in the seat. Nidaja put her arms around Alps, and although he was excited for almost the entire trip, Nidaja only kissed him a few times, and asked him if he might be able to perform as well that night. Alps said he could.

It was along journey, but as the sun began to set, They made it to Jalana, a port town. They got out of the coach and checked into the hotel. Alps walked up to the room, followed by Nidaja and Misty. Misty and Alps entered the room, but Nidaja did not. She told the two lupi she was going to eat something and freshen up. She gave Misty permission to give Alps his medical exam. She closed the door and Alps and Misty were alone.

The vixen smiled. Alps looked back curiously. He had never had a medical exam. He gazed at the doctor. She looked very regal. She had golden fur that was almost twice as long as Alps' fur. She wore a grey robe tied at the waist with a green belt. She sat  down on the bed and took out a clipboard with a form on it and filled out the personal information on Alps using his title deed. Alps looked around the room. One bed. He shuddered. It would happen again tonight. Nidaja would make love to him again.

Finally, Misty began to ask questions. They were all relevant. Had he ever had pneumonia. Yes. Had he ever broken a bone. Yes, eleven of them from various 'disciplinary actions' taken by previous owners. Had he ever received medical treatment for any of the above stated reasons. No. After a few more medical history questions, Misty stood up.

"Take off your clothes and sit on the bed." she said firmly.

Alps slipped out of his clothes, confused. This was part of his exam, right? Misty approached him and looked into his eyes very closely. She wrote something down on the form. Alps couldn't read, so he wasn't sure what it was about. Misty checked his ears and mouth as well. Alps was trying not to become excited, but it was too late. The doctor looked in his lap and smiled.

"I..I'm sorry. I can't help it." Alps said innocently.

"I excite you, then?" Misty asked. Alps frowned, thought a moment, and nodded.

"You do." he answered. "You're pretty, and I'm completely exposed to you." Talking about it only made it worse.

"It's okay, I'm flattered." the vixen answered. She was silent for a while, then sat on the bed. She touched Alps' knee. Alps swallowed. Surely she wasn't thinking...

"Are you testing my reflexes?" Alps asked curiously. He always thought it was done with a little hammer.

"Alps..." Misty said softly. He looked the vixen in the eye. "Umm..Nidaja said her off last night. Did you really do that?"

Alps gasped. Nidaja told her everything! Everything! He nodded, further excited by the topic. Misty shuffled her feet a little bit. She seemed nervous.

"Very few lupi will do that to a vixen. They generally think it's disgusting. Do you?"

Alps frowned. "I liked it." he said honestly, "It was a lot of fun." Misty shuffled again.

"I..I've never had that done to me." she said softly.

"Never?" Alps asked, beginning to think he knew where this was going.

"Never." she said regretfully. There was a long silence. Alps smiled. She was shy. She didn't want to come right out and ask. The thought of pleasuring this middle-aged vixen gripped Alps' mind.

"Would you like to experience it?" Alps asked. The vixen looked at the floor silently. She nodded. Alps got on his knees in the floor in front of Misty. She looked at him inquisitively. Alps looked back lustfully. The vixen smiled and grasped the bottom of her robe. She slid it up over her waist slowly and cautiously to reveal the pornographic view beneath. She hadn't worn undergarments either. She spread her legs wide.

By her timid, innocent expression, Alps gathered that the vixen wasn't used to this kind of open sexual behavior. He leaned forward and kissed her right on the delicate petals of her pussy. She gasped and smiled. Alps kissed her a few more times, using just his lips, and rubbing Misty's swelling clit with his nose. She remained sitting up, watching through half shut eyes.

Alps pressed his lips firmly against the vixen's slit and pressed his tongue against her clit. He slid his tongue in and out gently, touching the sweet spot and nuzzling her between the legs. After a little while of this, she began to breathe hard. Alps slid his tongue deep inside her and moved it around for a little while. Misty moaned and laid on her back, spreading her legs some more.

Alps licked her hard and deep now, wanting to taste this vixen's come. He licked her faster and she began to moan. Alps heard the door open. He lifted his head. It was Nidaja. Misty moaned and pulled Alps head back between her legs.

"It's okay Alps, don't mind me." Nidaja said cheerfully. Alps resumed his licking. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Nidaja gazed at him. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse and slipped out of her skirt. Alps moaned, a tingle running through his entire body. Both of them. He was gonna nail both of them to the sheets tonight.

Alps lapped Misty's clit with quick, powerful strokes. He felt her muscles begin to jerk with each lap. He slammed his tongue inside her and sucked hard on her clit. She moaned long and loud.

"Faster!" she hissed, her thighs beginning to move in time with his tongue. Nidaja got up and sat down on her knees beside Alps.

"No!" she whispered in his ear, "Slow down. Make her wait for it. Torture her with your tongue." Alps slowed down, licking hard but slow. Misty moaned in desperation. "Yea, that's it, make her ache for it to happen!" Nidaja continued to whisper.

Alps did as told, licking Misty's clit slowly and evenly. He could not understand why Nidaja was telling him what to do. He could only guess that since she was a vixen, she knew what felt good, and wanted her friend to enjoy it, since this was her first experience of this kind.

"N-Nidaja?..." Misty panted, "Oh..ohh..Make him speed up...Please!" Alps continued licking slowly and evenly. The vixen started pumping her thighs faster in effort to make Alps' tongue pass across her clit faster. She pulled her cloak the rest of the way off and threw it in the floor. Alps gazed intently at her solid nipples. Her breasts were smaller than Nidaja's, but nice even so.

"Hold her thighs still and lick her deep, hard, and slow." Nidaja instructed. Alps grabbed the vixen's waist to keep her from pumping and slipped his tongue inside the panting, sex-tortured female. He held it still, feeling the vixen's muscles tensing and relaxing as she continued to try humping his tongue. Alps pulled his tongue most of the way out and slid it back in, rubbing Misty's rigid clit as hard as he could. She moaned loud and low as the lupis continued to do this.

"Nidaja...Make him..Ooohhhh..." Misty's pleas were cut off by what sounded like a moan of agony to Alps. He watched the vixen as she writhed and tensed, gasping and moaning, begging for relief. Alps really wanted to relieve her. She seemed to really be suffering. Nidaja seemed to sense his concern.

"It's okay." she whispered, grasping Alps' cock and spreading semen on her fingers, "She's in a different kind of pain, that only she could understand right now. She wants to come, but she also doesn't want her current feeling to stop. Now, slide one of your fingers inside her, and lick her hotspot while slowly fingering her." Alps pushed his index finger about half way in and began sliding it in and out, licking the vixen's clit slow and hard.

"Ohh...ohh..Harder-huh..Faster..Ohh, please..I want it now!!!" Misty screamed. Alps shuddered, feeling a tingle in his balls. At this rate, even if nothing was near his dick when this vixen came, he would explode with her. Misty grabbed Alps' head and began rubbing his nose franticly against her pussy. Alps struggled free, stopping for a second. Misty moaned in distress, rubbing her pussy with her palm.

"Don't stop!" Nidaja said in a gasp. Alps looked at her. She was on all fours, masturbating with the hand she had moistened on his cock. "Use your middle finger." she whispered, "It goes deeper. Finger her slow, but lick her fast. When she's ready to come, take out the finger and eat her like you're starving to death."

Alps complied. Misty moved her hand and started moaning and gasping instantly as Alps middle finger probed her hot, wet cunt. He used just the finger, with slow, deliberate strokes for a second, then began licking her clit hard and fast.

"Yes!!" the vixen shrieked, grabbing her breasts, then rubbing them, her belly, her face, anything she could as she moaned in anticipation. Alps patiently slid his finger in and out as she writhed and moaned profane demands. Nidaja had stopped masturbating for a moment and watched intently. Alps wondered if his new owner had actually planned the whole thing. Was Misty perhaps paying for the use of Nidaja's new servant?

Alps felt Misty's muscles jerk tight. It was happening. He pulled out his finger and pressed his face ravenously into her pussy. He almost choked as her warm juices poured out, running down his neck and mixing in the fur on his chest. Misty released a night-shattering howl as the second wave of liquid greeted Alps. He continued to lick hungrily.

Misty, out of breath, but still being pounded by an orgasm which seemed to have no end, just twisted and gasped, clutching her breasts and slowly humping Alps' face. Nidaja tugged his ears gently, pulling him away. Misty was still panting and writhing. Nidaja grabbed the other vixen's leg and turned her onto her belly.

"No...No..Please don't..." Misty whimpered, obviously still coming. Nidaja jerked Alps' cock a couple of times, causing him to hump reflexively. She used her hand to glaze his organ with his own semen.

"Mount her now, Alps." his owner said coldly, but still wearing a smile. "Do it slow and deep."

Alps looked at Misty. She was still gasping for air. She was still coming. The poor vixen couldn't move. She shook her head weakly.

"She doesn't want me to." Alps said innocently. He gazed at Nidaja's dripping cunt. He could screw her, though.

"Just do what I tell you, Alps!" she hissed. Alps swallowed. She was forcing him to..rape? He shook his head. No, the vixen would not be here if she was afraid of being taken by force. He looked at Misty. Still in ecstasy, she was paralyzed. She moaned and whimpered as Alps stood up and approached her. She was laying on her chest with her legs hanging over the edge of the bed. Alps held her thighs and moved into position, kneeling slightly. Nidaja moved the vixen's tail out of the way.

"No...Don't..." Misty moaned. Alps gritted his teeth. He was only following orders. He pressed the head of his cock between the vixen's pussy lips. She gasped and managed to close her legs tightly.

"Push hard, Alps." Nidaja said icily, "Get it all the way in. Do it slow and hard." Alps shut his eyes, gritted his teeth, and pressed hard. The semen Nidaja had rubbed on his cock allowed it to slip, though difficultly, between her legs, which she held tight together. He moaned as he felt half of his cock enter her hot, convulsing pussy. Misty cried out in apparent pain.

Alps held still and looked at Nidaja. She had climbed onto the bed and laid on her belly, her arm tucked underneath her as she manipulated her clit with her fingers. Alps pulled his cock out a little and slid it back in. Misty cried out again.

"Nidaja..." Alps moaned. Nidaja looked at him with clenched teeth. "Get it as deep as you can!" she gasped, "Keep it slow, though."

Alps shut his eyes and pressed his dick as deep as he could, but Misty's closed legs kept him from getting far. Alps leaned over the vixen, holding himself up with his hands on the bed. He began to slowly screw Misty, as she moaned and whimpered. He felt guilty and cruel, but somehow, it excited him too. He was getting closer to an orgasm.

Slowly, Misty's complaints became less and less frequent. Eventually, she began to pant, though still holding her legs like a vice. Alps ears perked up as she issued a moan, not of pain, but of obvious pleasure. Alps watched Nidaja as he pumped two thirds of his iron hard dick in and out of Misty's tight hole. Nidaja was on her hands and knees again, masturbating a little faster than before. Alps watched silently as she began to slowly hump her hand. Suddenly, he felt his entire cock swallowed up by Misty's throbbing pussy. She moaned ecstatically. Alps held his position for a second. As he had slowly withdrawn his twitching organ, Misty had spread her legs, letting all of it in on the next motion. She lifted her head a little.

"Uhhh..Don't stop..." she moaned weakly. Alps gasped. She was hornier than ever. He gritted his teeth as she started humping with his cock inside her. Alps couldn't hold back. He began pounding his meat into the gasping, moaning vixen as hard as he could. After only a minute or two her muscles tightened and she gasped, holding rigid as her pussy contracted hard on Alps dick. She was coming again. This orgasm didn't last very long, but it was mostly because Misty passed out in the middle of it.

Alps, very near his own orgasm, humped the limp vixen mercilessly. He shot a glance at Nidaja. She was laying on her back now, hammering her fist into her pussy furiously. Alps jerked his throbbing organ out of the his unconscious partner and pounced Nidaja. She grabbed his shoulders with both hands, leaving herself wide open.

"Oh...Oh Alps!" The vixen grapped his cock in an attempt to manuver it to her pussy. Alps gasped as his hot fluid jetted out with great force and volume..all over Nidaja's belly. He couldn't contain it. She yelped as he slammed his already gushing cock into her hot pussy. She moaned franticly as he pressed it in deep, coming harder than ever before. Nidaja's muscles tightened. It was painful to continue screwing beyond his orgasm, but Alps pumped his thighs with great speed and force, until Nidaja's last

gasp of ecstasy was heard. Alps panted, exhausted and out of breath. He heard a dull thud. Misty had slid onto the floor. Alps rested his full weight on Nidaja.

"Ohhhh..." he moaned, unable to voice his feeling any other way.

"That was fun..." Nidaja panted, holding Alps shuddering body on top of her. Alps slowly rolled off of her and faded into unconsciousness.


Read on to part 3

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