Sirius part 22
by Alps Aris Sarsis

            Alps looked at his pants, which were laying on the stone floor of the dark temple.  Luna and Ceriss were laying side by side, facing each other on the altar, which was not the most comfortable bed he’d ever been in.  They were asleep.  Their minds had been unable to actually sleep all those years, and they agreed to take a nap.  it had been a day.  but Alps did not want to wake them.  He pondered getting dressed.  He could not shake the feeling that it just would not be worth his time to do so.  He’d probably just end up having to take his clothes off again.  Still, just in case his nudity would offend or frighten whoever they ran into next, he decided to get dressed.  As he did so, he looked back at Ceriss.  The jet black female wolf lay on her side, an arm around Luna.  Alps sat down on the edge of the altar, looking at them both.  He was their hope now.  he felt a little overwhelmed.  For centuries, they were alone, in sadness, guilt, and fear.  Now, they were holding each other, sleeping happily.  He had ended their suffering.  At least for a while.  Could he really get them out?  When there was no other star left to see, would he then have enough dark to see the way out, or would there not be a way out?  If he got them out, would their bodies come back?  Would his?  No one had ever been known to get out.  Had they actually gotten out before, but merely became spirits, and given the chance to rest?  he didn’t now, but he knew he would not leave them here.  He hoped they would go back to normal once out though.  He knew Nita was grieving.  He could almost feel it.  He wanted out.   Luna finally stirred, and then sat up, and yawned widely, before reaching back and scratching herself at the base of the tail.

            “Good morning, Alpsie.” came her adoring voice.  Alps chuckled.  Those who became affectionate with him, one way or the other, always called him that eventually.

            “Good morning, Luna.” he said softly.  “.. Feel better after sleep?” he asked.  Luna smiled warmly, hugging herself.

            “I feel spectacular!  You try not sleeping for that long!” she said.  Her voice woke up Ceriss, who yawned as well, stretching her arms out.

            “Hello Alps.”  came her soft statement.  She slid off the altar, and flicked her ears nervously, looking around.

            “What’s wrong?” Alps asked, feeling that he already knew.  It was on his mind at the moment too.

            “I haven’t.. had to do this.. in a long.. long time..” she said.

            “I think I know what you mean..” Luna said, fidgeting.

            “I say we go three separate directions, and take care of it..’ Alps said softly.  he chuckled very softly.

            “Let’s not go to far.  Let’s stay in earshot.” Luna said.

            “I .. I agree..” Ceriss said, and they all went in separate directions, weaving around the huge columns.. and talked as best as they could, to make sure no one vanished.. while all three relieved themselves.  That cinched it.  Their metabolism at least, was working.  Alps felt hungry, too.  He hoped that the next place that someone had created with their mind was a kitchen.  After finishing up, he moved back around to the altar, and waited.  Luna and Ceriss continued to talk, and Alps called out that he was still there, for close to fifteen minutes.  Luna explained that she felt very guilty doing this in a temple.  Luna told her that the place was just in her mind, it wasn’t real.  Then, after a couple minutes, Alps stifled laughter, as Luna cried out.

            “No!.. eeeww.. my foot!  Ceriss, couldn’t you think of a perfectly straight floor?”  Ceriss cackled.  Alps shook his head softly, as the two finally came back around, Luna dragging her foot, wiping it on the dry marble floor, grumbling.  They looked at Alps for a bit, and then smiled.

            “Shall we head out to get the last one?” Luna asked.

            “Last one?” Ceriss asked.

            “yeah.. there is one more at least in this crystal with us.” Alps said.  Ceriss clasped her hands together.  “Oh a rescue!  you actually didn’t just.. come up on me by accident.. you intentionally came for me?” she said, with a whimper.  Alps nodded.  “Oh yes!  Let’s get the other one!  I wanna help!  I wanna see their face when we show up and say it’s time to stop being lonely and sad!”  She bounced a bit.  Her own rescue seemed not to matter much to her, aside from just making her happy.  The thought of helping someone else was exciting and wonderful to her.  Alps nodded softly.

            “Is anyone else like.. really hungry?” Luna asked, holding her tummy.  Alps and Ceriss both nodded.

            “I need.. for both of you to think as hard as you can.. about a banquet or something when we reach the next star.. Maybe we can override the place we show up in.” Alps said.  They both nodded.  Ceriss and Luna both took Alps’ hand.

            “Are we safe like this?” Ceriss asked uneasily.

            “Yeah.. we are.’ Luna said, as Alps closed his eyes, and darkness closed in. 


            When Alps opened his eyes, it was different yet again.  The floor he stood on looked shiny, like black crystal, but the sky had a blue haze to it, like the sun was coming up in the distance.  He looked around, and could still easily see the star.  Each star he reached, seemed to bring light back into this dark place.  Alps wondered if Nita was still thinking of him.  How long had it been?  Had she given up hope?  Where was she now?  He didn’t think Nita would ever give up hope.  This made him more hopeful, as the group walked on.  During this time, Alps and Luna both explained their past, to an extent, to Ceriss, and Ceriss explained her past to them.  She was a Death Priestess, but specialized in fire spells, being very powerful with them.  That was why, even though she was simply a shrine dweller, looking after the dead, she was assassinated so early by Mannus.  The walk was not terribly long, before they found themselves standing just outside the swirling sphere of light.  They paused for a moment, looking at it.  This one had been roughly right beside Ceriss’ light.

            “What do you think is in this one?  Another priestess?” Ceriss asked.

            “Probably.. but Letai knights ended up in these places too.. as well as anyone who had magic or was strong enough to pose a real threat to Mannus.” Luna explained.

            “Remember.. think of food, and anything we need when we step through.. or we might have to be really hungry and distracted when we are trying to get out of the crystal, okay?” Alps asked.  The other two nodded.  All three held hands, before Luna asked softly,

            “So.. if we pick up a third person.. you are out of hands, Alps.. what will you have them hold?”  Alps blushed brightly, and Ceriss cackled, before shushing Luna, and telling her to think of the things we needed, as hard as she could.  And, together, hand in hand, they stepped into the light.


            Nita watched the crystal, having spoken with her last regional matriarch.  The flood had gone well, and not a single orc survived the cleanup.  The few that managed to survive the flood were taken care of by the knights who circled the area.  Mannus would never even know what happened to it, perhaps thinking it was a natural disaster.  This suited Nita, because he would be less likely to retaliate, but if he was willing to amass a force to attack Jalana, he would put together another soon.  She hoped to get another plan set up for its defense.  Alps’ actions had made both Nidaja and Azia start thinking outside the box of conventional warfare and strategy.  Now, the ground and the sky, and everything around was a part of their plans.  Smaller battles were now being won everywhere, because of tricks and traps and determined fighting using the topography of the land to give a natural advantage.  Azia drew the curtains in the room, after closing the door, and moved up behind Nita, the room mostly dark.  There was a long, violet carpet that ran to the door.  That, a throne, and two long couches on either side of the room, were all the furniture that was there.  The couches were reserved for those who were elderly and could not stand while they waited to speak with the queen, but they were very plush and comfortable.   Nita was on her knees, in her throne, facing the back of it, looking at the crystal, as it glowed with a bright white star, amid violet haze inside the crystal.  Azia moved in close behind her, petting her lower back.  The queen was wearing her official green and white robes, something she was expected to be in, and Azia was wearing that black leather miniskirt, and black leather top, both shiny, waxed, looking almost wet.  She had become known for this outfit, and she liked how it got attention, so she always wore it.

            “It’s actually very pretty..” Nita said softly.  “I wonder.. if there was anyone else in the crystal?” she added.  Azia caressed along Nita’s lower back.

            “I am sure there was.  Maybe that’s why it keeps changing.  Maybe Alps is grouping up with them, and they are helping him.” Azia whispered, pressing in close, and hugging the queen.

            “He would be able to get help..” Nita said softly.  “I know he would.  Alps has the ability to .. make things better with someone’s heart.’ Nita explained, turning around, and sitting in the throne.  Azia slipped up into her lap, looking around, to make sure no one was around.  Nita shifted a bit, inhaling deeply.

            “Look what he did to us...” Azia said, blushing softly.  “.. We wanted to kill each other before.. and now.. we are allies.. and best friends..” she said, leaning in and kissing the queen tenderly.  Nita tilted her head softly, and released a soft, low croon, as she squeezed Azia’s rump softly.

            “I know.. He is a life turner, that’s for sure.” she said.  “Doesn’t.. Tia get jealous of this kind of thing?  I know you and her are lovers.” Nita said, inhaling deeply, her body starting to tingle a bit.

            “No, not at all.  She has me every single night.” Azia said, giggling softly.

            “So it is okay?  She doesn’t feel left out?” Nita asked.  Azia kissed her again and then shook her head.

            “Don’t get me wrong, she would love to have fun with us both from time to time, but recently, she’s spent all her days researching and learning more about those crystals.  She wants Alps back out.” Azia said.  Nita smiled and nodded.

            “I think if we just wait, he will come out on his own..” Nita said, her breathing getting deeper, and her back arching a little, as Azia’s hands found her large, firm breasts.

            “Why do you.. say that?” Azia asked, trembling a bit, as she pressed in closer to Nita, obviously delighted to have free run of her body like this.  She squeezed a large mammary in her hand again, and then reached back, with some effort, and began to unty the top of her leather outfit.

            “Oh Azia..” Nita hissed softly, warming suddenly.  “The door isn’t locked.  Someone could walk in.” she said, blushing.

            “I don’t care.  This late in the day, all public has been escorted off.  The only ones who walk in on us have to keep their mouths shut by penalty of law, don’t they?” Azia said.  Nita groaned softly, wriggling in her seat.

            “You like the idea that someone can walk in, don’t you?” Nita asked.  Azia chuckled softly.

            “What better proof can they have that we are serious about our alliance, eh?” she asked, as she stood up slowly, and slid that leather skirt down to her feet, and stepped out of it, that top dropping off her as the last tie slipped free.  The nude white lupine female stood before her, and Nita watched her, breathing deeply in the slightly darkened room, for a while.  The room was still and quiet, most of the light coming from that softly glowing crystal.

            “I wonder if Alps can see us..” Nita said softly, standing, and carefully undressing, and laying her robes out so they did not get wrinkled or messed up.  Azia smiled, and shrugged her shoulders a bit.

            “I am not sure, Lady Nita.” she said, getting down on her knees, and pushing the queen back onto the throne.  “but if he can, he’ll like seeing this..” she said, giggling softly.  Nita looked lovingly at Azia.  So much had changed.  It had been a month now, since it had happened.  They had started to learn to live, at least for the moment, without Alps, with the hope that he would be back.  Having that glowing crystal there on the throne had helped everyone cope.  Now, they were back to feeling love and affection toward one another.  Azia, on her knees, nude before the emerald-furred queen, leaned in, her chest between those smooth, velvety thighs, and kissed, one then the other, Nita’s nipples, before licking, and caressing then, squeezing her breasts tightly, as Nita caressed and petted Azia’s ears.  There had been, through this hard time, a bond that formed between Azia and Nita.  Azia had given Nita constant support and love when she felt the worst.  Azia had been there from Nita’s darkest hour, to the revival of her hope.  The two were inseparable as friends.  Tia too, had grown close to Nita, the two not sharing intimacy since that first day, when they were all with Alps, but still holding one another and reassuring one another that everything was going to be all right.  Nidaja had been gone a lot, handling the offensive that had been born of Alps’ single act of will and determination.  Now, Nita let her voice caress the darkened hall, as the crystal holding Alps’ soul shone overhead, casting light on the lovers.  Azia placed her hand over Nita’s mound, as she slid forward a little bit in the throne, pressing herself against that fond hand, as a hot muzzle suckled and licked over the hard nub of each nipple.  Nita closed her eyes, feeling that gentle, slow caress, and letting it warm her whole body, a burning sensation in her loins, showing her need.  It had been several times now that Nita and Azia had come together like this, though it had been in the secrecy of Nita’s private chambers.  The exhibitionist feel of this was getting Nita a lot more heated.  She spread her legs softly, and whispered to Azia.

            “Please.. fill me.. put your fingers in me, Azia.. The way you did before..” she said, quivering.  Nita had learned to enjoy Azia’s touch a lot, since the leader of the Spirits of Silverlight knew how the female body worked, and exactly where to touch, how deep, how fast, and what each sound Nita made meant.  Azia, before meeting Alps, had never even touched a male.  And Nita was becoming fond of reaping the rewards of her knowledge of the female anatomy.  Azia chuckled softly, and nodded.  She pressed her middle and ring finger up into Nita, still on her knees in front of her queen, and kissing and suckling on her pert niupples.  Once in, Azia hooked her fingers upward, just a little, so it barely touched the rough spot that Alps so liked to rub.  Back and forth her fingers went, pressing upward, so they would rub over Nita’s clit, against the sides and tip, as it swelled against her fingers.  Nita arched her back softly, and gritted her teeth, her slick honey already coating Azia’s fingers.  Azia smiled, blushing a bit, and giggled playfully.

            “Queen Razelle.. “ she said, licking her lips.  “The nation of Silverlight hereby requests access to taste you..” she said.  This was something she had done the first time they had been together after Alps was taken.  And it made Nita laugh.  It made her laugh again, though she was already quivering with need, so it was short lived, before Nita replied,

            “Ahh. y.. yes.. permission.. is granted.. under.. full.. ahh.. o.. oral contract..”  she said, quivering.  Azia laughed this time, and then took advantage of the agreed upon contract, leaning in, and pressing her tongue to that tight little clit.  Azia had started to come to terms with the fact that she was able to treat the queen like this, and was starting to have fun with it.  She did not berate or belittle Nita for it either, always treating her as royalty, with respect any time in public, but once in private, the two teased each other mercilessly.  For now though, the merciless teasing was on Nita’s tingling clit, while Azia’s tongue fluttered n a blur back and forth over it, her fingers moving at just the right pace for Nita, carrying her body quickly toward release.  Azia slid one of her hands down, and started to massage her wet sex.  She pressed her fingers into herself, and started to stroke Nita at the same pace, feeling her own desire building, as her tongue worked rapidly over her sex.  Nita caressed her own breasts now, pressing them together, and feeling those strong, capable fingers sliding in and out.  Azia was a master of the sword, and the strength that gave her hands was enjoyed well beyond the blade now.

            “Lemme know when you are about to have your orgasm, Lady Razelle..” Azia panted, strumming herself eagerly.

            “Azia..” Nita said, panting heavily, whining a bit, making it obvious it wasn’t too far off.

            “Yes, Nita?” came the wolfess’ panted replay.

            “Don’t make yourself cum.  I want to do it.” Nita said.  Azia groaned, and nodded, pulling her hand back from her sex.  She had already brought herself close, so now, as she licked eagerly, making Nita arch her back, and thrash a bit in her throne, she was aching with need for release now.  She wriggled her fingers inside the panting queen, back and forth, striking fondly against that rough spot, while her tongue fluttered eagerly back and forth over her sex.  Nita arched her back suddenly, gasping loudly, and holding her muzzle, stifling a scream very well, as her juices forcefully ejected all over Azia’s pumping hand.  Azia kept moving her hand, making Nita brace her feet against the floor, raising her rump, and riding out her climax, whining into her paws, vision going hazy and mind almost stripped from her as she writhed in climax.  She shut her eyes tight, and then, finally, as Azia kept pumping her soaking hand in and out of Nita, three fingers in her to make her feel nice and full, the queen slumped, panting, sliding through her warm, fuzzy afterglow.  For a while, she relaxed, and then, her eyes slowly opening, she smiled softly.  She got up, Azia still on her knees in front of the throne, her legs spread, her juices dripping on the violet carpet, leaving a wet spot.  There was a wet spot on the nice purple velvet of Nita's throne too, however.  Azia didn’t even try to catch all of Nita’s juices, as plentiful as they were.  Nita moved around behind Azia, and smiled, as she spooned up, doggie-style with her.

            “Hey.. what are you up to, your majesty?” Azia said teasingly.  Nita reached over, and fumbled around with her robes.  Azia held onto the throne, looking back at Nita, and gasping, as she pulled, from the folds of that robe, a long, dark blue object.. sculpted and polished wood, made to look like a very familiar piece of masculinity.  On both sides, a full nine inches, same as Nita‘s slave, more or less, same shape and same slight upward curve.  There was a straight section about five inches long, with a band of leather, and two leather straps in a loop, which had a sliding metal clasp on each one to tighten or loosen it.  “Where did you..” she asked, gasping softly, knowing what was about to come.

            “I had it made.  Took a while, but I remembered enough.. It’ll do for now..” she said.  She was blushing softly.  “i haven’t tried it out yet.. just got delivered to me this morning.  I was so embarrassed.  The artist brought it to me right during breakfast.  I hid it in my robes when I realized what I had just been handed.  No one else saw it though..” she said.  Azia moaned loudly, as Nita’s fingers spread her labia wide, her juices dripping a bit faster for a second, onto the carpet.

            “Ahhh.. wh.. why two sides though?  In case one gets.. uuhh.. worn out?” The white lupine female arched her back a bit, as Nita started to rub her clit softly.  “What’s with the leather loops?  To hold onto it?”  Nita grinned and blushed a bit.

            “No.. Let me.. show you..” she said.  Nita got on all fours and got behind Azia.  She carefully and slowly slid the toy into Azia’s tight, wet folds.  The wood, despite being smooth and polished, was a little dry, so Nita lovingly licked it, giggling softly, as Azia groaned with need, wriggling her hips.  Finally, Nita pressed that toy into her fully, all the way to the leather band in the middle.  Then, she unclasped the loop, and looped it over the base of Azia’s tail.  It was the loop that was on the far side of the toy.  Nita then turned around, and slowly, carefully backed onto it, feeling it slide down her already soaking wet channel.  After she felt the leather band against her labia, she stopped, already trembling with excitement and lust.  Azia’s head was buried into her arms, her cunny clasping around this toy, which, clasped to her tail like this, could move back and forth a bit, by about five inches, but could not just slip out.  Nita took the clasp that was on Azia’s side, and looped and tightened it to the base of her tail.

            “Nnng.. Nita.. Is this.. your .. idea?” she asked, shuddering a bit already.

            “Yeah.. thought it up.. while Alps was away on a trip a while back.. Took this long to make it though..” she said, the queen also trembling.  Are you ready?” Nita asked, rump to rump with the lovely white lupine female.

            “Sure..” she said, biting her lip a bit.  She was already in pleasure, just having it in her.  Azia could not stop thinking about how Alps felt inside her, and she knew Nita felt that was too.  Nita slowly moved forward, rocking on her knees, as she leaned down.  This pulled the toy out all except about two inches, the other 7 on each side, before the straps tugged firmly against their tails, keeping the toy from moving either more out of Nita, or more out of Azia.  Nita then sank her hips back, her tight inner walls hugging the toy, but not as tight as Azia’s.  Nita groaned, as she felt the toy sink in all the way, until the leather strap caressed over her tail hole, and caused it to pull the toy harder against Azia, sinking it into her tight, trembling body.  Azia whimpered softly.

            “Feel’s.. okay?” Nita said, feeling her rump press against her friend’s, leaving them both full of that hard, now quite hot and wet toy.  Azia released a slow, trembling moan.  She wasn’t able to really speak.  Nita grinned, and pulled forward again slowly, drawing it out of herself first, then the strap pulling it out of Azia until it was tight again, holding to the base of their tails, not letting them move further apart.  Nita then pressed back slowly again, then pulled apart, closing her eyes, as she felt that hard, unnatural but still pleasurable length slip slowly in and out of her, pushing it in and out of Azia with each move.  Azia held the throne, her face buried in her arms, practically crying with the intense sensation.  Nita began to pant softly, and slowly picked up page, rocking back and forth, her end pulling out, then Azia’s.  Each time the strap would pull tight on Nita’s end, the toy would jerk slightly inside Nita, making her whimper, and each time she would have to drive it into Azia, it would press deep and tight inside her.  Nita began to rock back and forth faster, her body trembling heavily, as she felt that hot glow returning.  She was going to have a second orgasm today, even if Azia popped way befor eher.  Nita panted softly, driving herself back and forth against Azia, before stopping for a moment, to rest, the rocking being a bit tiring on the legs.  Nita moaned loudly though, as Azia gripped the throne, and began to drive herself hard and fast against Nita, almost abusively, filling her with the toy, then extracting it, jerking her tail with the strap.  The tail tugging Nita liked however!  It felt like having someone hold her tail base and pull on it while having sex.  She eventually got her strength back, and worked with Azia, both getting very wet, to the point where the toy slid evenly between them, out of them both as they drew apart, and hard and fast, back in, as they slammed their rumps back together.

            “Nita, I’m gonna cum..” Azia whimpered.  “Hard!”  she added with a groan.  Nita whimpered loudly as well, casting her body harder and faster back against Azia.

            “Me too.. together.. let’s do it together!” she cried.  Nita’s voice was not even stifled at this point.  She didn’t care anymore.  Under the soft glow of the shadowfall crystal, both females slammed together, heatedly, gasping, panting, not making any more noise for a while, as Azia gritted her teeth, holding back as much as she could, before hearing Nita cry out, practically wailing,

            “Now!  now!  now, now, NOW!!”  with each of her powerful backwards motions against Azia.  Nita’s sex tightened, and Azia wailed loudly as well, pressing all the way to the throat of the toy, forcing it that deep into Nita as well, their hips rolling, tails pulled down against each other’s rumps by the straps, before Nita felt Azia’s hot juices surge around that toy, and splash her sex, forcing her hard over the edge, her arms folding, her chest collapsing against the floor, as her splashes of hot nectar returned, wetly and messily against Azia’s spread open sex, their sexual bliss shared in a way they had never felt before.  Each move, each jerking pulse of the other’s pussy on that strong, movable toy, was felt by the other, and they just buried their faces both in their arms, Nita on the floor, Azia in the throne, and moaned and sputtered and cried with delight.  They stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other’s afterglow, before Nita looked up, and smiled dizzily.

            “That was niiiice..” Azia murred long and low.  Nita giggled, unhooking her tail strap, and just falling off the toy, making Azia whimper from the slight outward tug that the toy gave.  Nita then unstrapped Azia’s tail, and pulled out the toy, licking it slowly.

            “I will let you borrow it, to let Tia and you have fun with it, but bring it back soon.. I promised Uri and Misha they could play with it when they brought Nidaja back here.” Nita giggled.  She crawled back into the throne, and Azia crossed her arms over Nita’s lap, wagging her tail softly, as she stayed on her knees, both females nude, petting one another.  Uri and Misha had not been quite so close to Alps as the others, but they still felt the loss.  They did not even know yet about the hope of him coming back.  To avoid disappointing everyone, Nita had made it so very few knew.  Azia closed her eyes, sitting on her knees, her head in Nita’s lap, her tail swinging back and forth.  They were both startled by a female voice.

            “You know.. Most of us just sign treaties on the dotted line.”  Azia looked over her shoulder, and Nita looked up, still a bit dizzy, hiding her toy under Azia’s chest.  It was a regional matriarch.  Nita blushed hotly, grabbing her robe and tossing it over her chest, lap, and Azia.

            “Hey!” the white female protested, as the matriarch walked up.  The queen cupped Azia’s muzzle, blushing hotly, looking wide-eyes at the matriarch.

            “I guess saying this isn’t what it looks like would work?” Nita asked.

            “It’s honestly not any of my business.  What’s seen or told to me in this place is confidential, as I recall.” she said.  “Anyway, I need to report that the border patrols along the Mountain ranges north of Jalana have turned up no further amassing of troops.  I apologize for being a bit late.  Now I see why you close your doors after hours.” she said, petting Azia’s wagging tail with her foot, since it was sticking out from under the blanketing royal robes.

            “Let’s just say.. we are serious about our friendship and alliance.. someone taught me that love and trust.. were the only hope our people had.”  Nita explained, petting Azia’s ears through the robes, making her tail wag faster.

            “I understand.” came the matriarch’s reply.  “This only makes me more proud to serve you, your majesty.” she said, bowing.  “You two have a.. ahh. .pleasant evening.” she said, giggling as she walked away.  Azia wagged her tail even more briskly, laughing as well.  After the door closed, and the matriarch was away, Nita whapped Azia between the ears, pulling the robe off them again.

            “I hope you are happy!” Nita playfully scolded.  “This will be top rumor news at the high council meetings, silly!” Nita said.  She then smiled, gazing at her beautiful lover’s face.  Azia made her happy.  As she watched Azia’s face, it suddenly lit up.  Nita gasped, and looked up behind her at the crystal.  The light was shining very brightly now, enough that it lit up the entire room.  Azia looked up, her eyes intense, as the crystal’s color faded from that warm, rich purple, to no color at all.  The crystal was perfectly clear.  There was no darkness left in it.  Azia got up, and Nita turned around again, on her knees on the throne, naked, watching the crystal.  From some far off place, Nita and Azia both heard laughter.  Alps’ laughter, and the light started to get brighter, and brighter..


to be continued...