Sirius part 5
by Alps Aris Sarsis

            “So how was it?”  Nidaja asked, smiling, her tail wagging slightly.  Nita blushed and looked down, as did Alps.  Nidaja ha no trouble at all talking openly about it...

            “It was fun.” Nita said softly, smiling.

            “Yah.” Alps said even more softly.

            “Gonna try again?” Nidaja asked.  The group was sitting beside the fountain in the garden.  It was after midnight, and would be completely dark except for the two moons in the nighttime sky, casting silver illumination on the lovely garden.  Mist, Uri and Misha were all playing nearby.  It was something they had done since they were childhood friends.  They each had two short sticks, and were manipulating a stick about the same length with them, tossing it back and forth and trying to catch it.  Years of practice had made them quite good at it.

            “I suppose we will.” Nita giggled.  She was not used to talking about this either, as Alps could tell.  Nidaja smiled and looked at Alps, smiling coyly.

            “Did you tell her about your.. ‘training’?” she asked.  Alps nodded.  Nita knew about his training from Nidaja.  He was actually afraid she might be angry, since Nidaja was her sister and all, but she was not.

            “Yes, he told me.” Nita said, “I think you did a fine job training him too.  He did a really good job in there last night.”

            “That’s wonderful!” Nidaja laughed softly.  “So, what all did you two do?  Did Alps try everything he had learned?”  Nita looked at Alps questioningly and Alps shook his head.  He did not do everything to Nita.  She smiled sheepishly and said no.

            “Keep in mind he IS a slave Nita...  You won’t get your moneys worth unless you use him a lot.”  Nidaja said briskly.  Nita looked at her inquisitively.

            “What do you mean?” she said.

            “You have to use him whenever you feel like it, regardless of his desires, and regardless of your status, location, or company.  If you decide you want him, then you should take him.” Nidaja explained.

            “I still don’t understand.” Nita responded, confused.

            “Let me show you what I mean...” Nidaja giggled.  She turned to Alps and smiled, before sitting beside him and placing her hand on his crotch.  Alps gasped, and Nidaja giggled again.  “It would seem he enjoys talking about sex...  I would say at least HE is ready for it again.”

            “Should I take him to my room?” Nita asked.  She sat down beside Alps on his other side and groped him just as her sister had done.  “Oooh.. He is excited, isn’t he..?”

            “No, I just told you, take him regardless of where you are.  He is yours, and no one would dare challenge you using your slave in whatever way you wanted.  That is what Alps is for after all.” Nidaja said in a scolding manner.

            “But it seems mean and disrespectful.” Nita said.  She had not taken her hand off of his crotch.  He squeezed his shaft gently through his trousers.  Alps could tell she was interested, and it excited him more.

            “Alps enjoys our doing these things to him.  They seem kind after the demeaning and unpleasant things his other owners made him do.  We feed him well, keep him warm and even genuinely care for him.” Nidaja elaborated, “He would gladly die for us.  we have shown him kindness that he has never experienced.  Since he has gotten here, he has never been beaten or mistreated.  It was almost an hourly occurrence for most of his life.  You can imagine how he feels now that his main chore, his main task is simply to take care of the sexual needs of a caring and loving individual.  I hardly see as how he considers it a task at all.”  Nita looked at Alps.  He was looking down.  He for some reason did not really like it when people talked about him like that.. but at the same time, it made his heart swell with happiness.

            “Is this true Alps?” Nita asked, “Do you really enjoy it?  Do you not feel that we are forcing you to do something you would rather not.”  Alps looked up into his majesty’s eyes.  She looked to care deeply about the question she asked, so he answered with the best honesty he could.

            “I did feel at first that all I was doing was satisfying Nidaja’s needs when I was with her the first night in Luca.” he began, “But now, I just have fun.. i think about it a lot.  I think of how I will make you happy, or how I will make you feel, but for the first time, I also think how I will feel.. How I will enjoy it and feel happy when I wake up..  Nidaja is right, I have never been so happy.”  Alps smiled and kissed Nita on the nose for a reason even he did not understand.  Nita closed her eyes, tilted her head, and kissed Alps fully, slipping her tongue into his mouth.  She massaged his crotch gently.  Alps moaned softly and shuddered, putting his arms around his master and queen.  Nita took her hand off his groin and put her other arm around her servant.  Alps no longer heard the playing in the back ground.  He opened his eyes and saw Misty, Uri, and Misha sitting nearby on the grass, watching.  Were they just going to watch?  Or were they all going to play too?  Alps became more excited as he thought of Misha and Uri playing with each other.  Alps closed his eyes and enjoyed the kissing from Nita.  She was very good at it, no matter what her previous lack of experience.  She had a soft but strong tongue, and her muzzle seemed built for his.  Alps caressed her back and shoulders, and gasped a little as he felt the ties to his trousers being undone.  He did not think anything of it at first, but then realized that Nita had not moved her hands.  It was Nidaja who was untying them.  Alps broke away from his kiss and looked at Nidaja.  She looked up at him angrily.

            “Don’t stop because of me, silly.” she scolded.  Wait, I have an idea.  Nita, let go of him.”  Nita got up and looked at her sister.

            “Are you taking his pants off?!” she giggled.

            “Let me see your ribbon..” Nidaja asked.  Nita took off her blue hair ribbon.  Her hair, previously in a pony tail, fell all about around her shoulders.  She handed the ribbon to her sister.  Nidaja began to tie the ribbon around Alps head, covering his eyes.  This confused Alps a llittle, but he trusted Nidaja now and did not struggle.  “Stand up Alps..”

            “Okay..” Alps said softly.  He stood up.. his pants were loose from having the ties undone.  He shuddered.  What were they gonna do?  Was Nita gonna do something?  Nidaja?  Misty?  Who?

            “Can you see?” Nidaja asked.  Alps shook his head.

            “Not a thing.. What are ya doin’?” he asked.

            “Don’t worry about it.” Nidaja said.  He heard Nidaja move away, and heard whispering.  Alps felt like they were talking about him, and it ran chills down his spine.  What were they up to?  He felt a hand caress his leg and up to his groin again.  He gasped.

            “Nidaja?” he asked, shivering a little with excitement.

            “No.” Came her voice from nearby.  “Do not ask any questions.  You are not allowed to talk right now, Alps.” she said sternly.  Alps swallowed.  Who was playing with him?  Nita?  Misty?  He swallowed again.  The thought that someone was, but not knowing who made him VERY excited.  He felt his pants being tugged a little.  He smiled and tilted his head up as they fell around his knees.  with some help, he stepped out of them.  He moaned softly as he felt a soft hand clutch his shaft.  it moved slowly up and down, squeezing gently to get more pre-cum to dribble out and act as lubricant.  He could sense slightly the location of any one near him, which was a little helpful.  There was a vixen standing beside him, most likely, he felt, Nidaja, since that was the direction the voice came from.  Another Vixen was kneeling down in front of him, possibly on her knees.  Alps had no idea who this was.  He stood still and enjoyed the masturbation he was receiving, and pumped his hip a little with it as the vixen on her knees spread the precum up and down his shaft, wetting it then speeding up slightly.  He felt the vixen beside him reach down and adjust the other one’s speed so she would go slower.  It had to be Nidaja.  She always butted in.  Alps smiled.  Alps was iron hard now, and wanted everything that would be given to him.  He heard footsteps as another vixen came near, possibly two of them.. Alps could only guess that Misty, Uri, and Misha were nearby now, to get a closer look, or even to help.  He sensed one of them come close to him and help him out of his shirt.  Then her hand found his chest and began to stroke gently.  he felt her gentle caress and occasional pinching of his nipples. 

The possibly Nidaja vixen beside him gently began to nibble his neck and ears and he moaned softly as he felt his dick slide into the mouth of the vixen kneeling in front of him.  Nidaja so far had been the only one to ever do that to him, but Nidaja was not in front of him, was she?  Alps pictured one by one each of the vixens in front of him, and it excited him profusely, and he could already feel his orgasm drawing near, even though it had only been going on a matter of minutes..  He was not going ot last very long at this rate.

            “How do you feel?” came a whisper from close by.  Since it was only a whisper, alps could not really perceive the owner.  He remained silent.  He was told not to speak and did not want to get punished by the vixen with his shaft completely in her mouth.  “You can talk.” came the voice again, “Just don’t ask questions.  We won’t answer.  but tell us how you feel, or when you are gonna cum, okay?”

            “O..O..Okay..” Alps stammered.  His orgasm was not too far off.  the vixen at his knees bobbed her head back and forth faster.  The one that was playing with his chest knelt down too.  Alps moaned as her hand went under his balls and began to play with and massage them.  He gritted his teeth.  He tingled all over.  He heard a little whispering at his waist.  One vixen was talking to the other, but he could not hear them.  the vixen with her mouth full was likely not the one speaking, but she did nod.  Alps wondered what she agreed to.  He pumped his hips a little and the vixen beside him licked his muzzle and continued playing with his ears and neck. 

Alps moaned sharply as he felt his dick pulled from the vixens mouth with on hard suck all the way out.  He panted.  He was getting closer now.. He gritted his teeth and held still as he felt a tongue caress the tip of his dick and then a SECOND one.  He panted HARD.  A firm hand still massaged his balls.  He cried out a little as he felt his cock engulfed by a hot mouth, and was not sure whose it was, the first or second vixen.  He then felt it slide out, and into an obviously different mouth.  He knew it was different because the muzzle was a little shorter and the tongue a little broader.  Alps knees got weak from excitement and began to shake  The vixen beside him helped to hold him up.  He thrust his hip at a medium pace, enjoying the hot mouth around his shaft, and the back of the vixen’s tongue rubbing the tip.  every once in a while, she would swallow on him, slightly sucking just the tip with her throat.  Alps moaned loudly.  He felt his dick pulled out of the vixen’s mouth and engulfed by the first.  she sucked hard and fast, obviously wanting the treat.  He heard a small growl at his hips and his dick was taken back to the shorter muzzle.  She now sucked him harder and faster.  Alps moaned.  Oh gods, they were fighting over it.. This was too much..

            “I’m gonna.. Oh.. ohh.. ohh.. I.. I’m cumming!”  He felt his dick pop out of the vixen’s mouth and a hand begin briskly stroking his shaft, using short and powerful strokes.  He cried out as he felt both tongues began lapping the tip of his dick and he exploded onto them, allowing them both to taste his seed.  After a little more tongue stroking by the two vixens, one sucked him into her mouth and drained him a little more, and then the other pulled him out of her muzzle and took him into her own, receiving the last two spurts of rich seed and swallowing hard with her short muzzle.  She sucked hard for a few second to make sure she got every drop she could before allowing him to slide out with an audible “plop”. 

The two vixens giggled.  Alps felt himself being laid back.  He went to his knees and with help from the vixen who was beside him, lay on his back.  he suddenly heard a small cry as one of the vixens climaxed.  Alps gritted his teeth.  from beside the fountain, Nidaja had just come.  The vixen beside him was not Nidaja.  this vixen, whoever she was, began to kiss him.  A warm and wet hand caressed his tingling dick gently, massaging it back to hardness.  It tingled sharply and Alps was not ready for more sex yet, but this did not seem to matter.  Who ever this vixen was straddled him as soon as he was hard enough for her liking and took him into her tight, wet, and steamy hot sex.  She tightened her muscles around him and began to pump her hips.  She was already very excited.  Alps moaned as the vixen who had been beside him moved her mouth away.  He thought she was just going to watch now.  However, she turned around and straddled his face.  He knew what to do.  His tongue instantly found it’s goal and he began to lap the vixen’s clit with strong quick strokes.  She moaned loudly and gasped and covered her mouth.  Alps smiled.  It was Nita.

            “Darn it!” she giggled, and moaned again.  “Now you know who it is!  hehehe..Ohh..mmmm”  Alps began to lick her furiously.  He wanted her to come hard and fast.  He knew there were other vixens waiting their turns.  He heard a moan from nearby, but was not sure who it was.  The moan seemed close to orgasm.  Maybe they were not actually waiting their turn...  the vixen riding his cock grunted a little and began bouncing her hips desperately.  She was not taking her time either.  She wanted an orgasm and she wanted it bad.  She hammered away on Alps. 

He heard Nita moan loudly as she began to rock her own hips.  He licked her hard and DEEP now, sliding his tongue in and out quickly.  By the movement of her hips, this was not going not take long.  The vixen at his waist began really hammering, gasping and grunting.  She seemed to be grunting to keep her voice a secret instead of moaning.  Her hips suddenly locked up with a little bit of twitches and she released a long breath and inhaled through her teeth before pumping a few more times and rolling off.  Alps moaned against Nita as she really began to buck, moaning and crying out freely now. 

Alps heard a vixen sit first on one side, then another and the one on his right began to fondle his iron hard shaft.  She pulled it into her mouth and began to suck for a while, then she climbed on top of him and took his dick inside her.  She was extremely hot inside, but not as tight.  She began thrusting immediately.  Another vixen took her place beside Alps.  She lay down, as did the one on his left. 

Alps reached over to touch one to find that they had their feet at his head.  He moved both hands  up their legs to find that both of them had their pussies occupied with their hand, but they moved their hand at his touch and let him slip his fingers in.  he wondered if Nidaja was one of them, or if the vixen riding him now was Nidaja.  Nita cried out and Alps was showered with her juices.  She came forcefully and moaned loudly as Alps lapped up her juices and probed inside her to lick her clean.  She rolled off, shaking like a leaf from her orgasm. 

Instantly, her position was taken by another vixen.  She was shorter than Nita, so it was most likely Uri.  She was wet and sticky, and Alps could taste the salt of his own precum in her, so she was obviously the one who just rode him.  Alps pumped his fingers in and out of the two vixens beside him, and began to rock his hip under the one riding his dick, and lapped furiously at the pussy over his nose.  He could feel his own climax approaching.  It was likely because he was pleasuring four vixens at once that he was so excited. 

He gasped as he felt the vixen riding him lock up.  She was already climaxing, but she did not stop.  She quickly resumed and hammered him faster.  Alps moaned as the two vixens beside him began to move their hips, very receptive to his treatment.  The vixen over his face bucked her hips now, drawing close to climax, and the vixen on his right was going faster in that direction than the one on his left. 

The one rising his hips locked up and, shuddered, and collapsed into the arms of the one on his face, forcing him muzzle about three inches in.  He struggled and could not breathe.  The one on his face finally regained her position and rolled the collapsed vixen off Alps.  She was quickly replaced by another Vixen. 

As none of the vixens had moved since he had finished licking Nita, Alps knew it must be her.  He decided it was appropriate, as he was close to orgasm now.  She pulled him inside her.  Alps moaned long and low, licking quickly, his tongue actually getting sore.  Nita held still for a moment, evidently savoring the feel, clenching the muscles of her already obscenely tight sex on his dick.  The then began sliding up and down, moaning softly, not even trying to conceal her voice. 

The female to the right climaxed and shuddered, holding his hand still as she twitched on it, soaking his fingers.  Alps kept his hand still and she went limp.  She lay beside him, breathing heavily.  The vixen on his face held still as Alps probed her with is tongue and her juices rushed out as she came freely on his tongue. 

Alps slurped up the precious liquid and lapped her clean.  She rolled off to the side and laid above Alps’ head, not moving.  The vixen on the left that was still bucking and gasping at Alps’ fingers took her place.  Alps lapped her savagely and put both his hands around Nita’s waist, pulling her down onto him, thrusting deep, his orgasm closing in.  Hers was too, obviously, as she began to moan and pant and cry.  Alps heard Misha cry out near his feet as she climaxed hard, and she then lay still.  Alps moaned.  Three down, two to go... 

The one on his face now, having been brought most of the way along by Alps’ skilled and long fingers, shuddered and climaxed quickly, flooding Alps’ nostrils and almost choking him.  She held her position while Alps lapped her clean.  He could not lick anymore.  His tongue was raw now. 

To his relief, when she rolled off to the side, laying on the other vixen beside him, no one came to replace her at his mouth.  Alps began to thrust his hips into Nita harder.  She moaned loudly, getting closer and closer.  Alps gritted his teeth as she lay over him, bucking her hips rapidly, her breasts pressed against his chest.  Alps tilted his head back and cried out as his seed exploded into her tight body. 

Seconds later, she reared up, leaned back, and howled desperately as her own climax rushed over her young and exhausted body.  She clenched tight on Alps’ rod as she cried out over and over with orgasm, milking him with the movements of her muscles.  She collapsed on top of him, and was removed by another Vixen. 

Alps was exhausted, and he moaned softly.  He could not go on.  He felt a strong tongue caress his shaft for a little while, but it stopped after a few minutes, it’s only design being to clean him.  He felt his blindfold being removed. 

He smiled weakly as the view focused.. The grass in front of the fountain was littered with clothing and naked vixens.  Some were laying over each other, and others, like Nita, were just sprawled out on their back.  Nidaja was the only one that was conscious.

            “I am very impressed Alps...  everyone had fun.  You did very, very good.”  she said softly.  Alps closed his eyes.  He was still not used to the compliments and enjoyed them a lot.. he drifted to sleep feeling needed, wanted, and useful.


The End (for now)

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