Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

I inhaled deeply, and decided that I would just try to talk to her. After all, I was intelligent, and she would see that, and maybe look up to me. I didn’t want to ruin my only chance to maybe make a friend in this place. If anyone knew the way out of this forest, and perhaps even what happened to me, she would. I cleared my throat, getting my panting under control as she approached slowly with her whip coiled.

“Um.. Hello lovely lady vixen.” I said slowly. “I am lost. I’m from somewhere outside this forest, I am sure, and need some help getting out. I will not trouble you, and I will not try to harm you.” I stated. She shifted from one foot to the other, stretching. She looked like she was getting ready to fight. This wasn’t a very good start. I moved toward her, lowering myself, trying to look submissive. “Please help me.” I said softly. “I don’t remember anything. I don’t even know who I -” and with that, she launched herself at me, and brought her elbow to my face. I sailed backwards, onto my back, and she got on her knees at my side.

“Kari sinae? Yuki dooalah?” she said, in that lovely voice. She stuck her knife in the ground savagely, right by my head. She didn’t understand me, and I didn’t understand her. Great. This was not going well at all. I inhaled deeply, and tried again.

“I am .. me. “ I paused. Not even knowing my name didn’t help things much. “Umm.. I am friend.” I said, trying to sit up. I didn’t even see her move, but got another elbow to the forehead. I fell back with a dull thud, and dizzily watched as the treetops shifted in and out of focus.

“Nana kirat!” she demanded.

“Okay, okay.. on my back in the leaves is fine. I will stay here..” I whimpered. that hurt. She had hard elbows! I looked up at her, and watched as her emerald eyes widened a bit, seeing me look at her lovely face, and, at this angle a good look at the healthy swells of her lovely breasts. She really was gorgeous, and that wild, feral beauty worked well for her. The outfit could not possibly be more perfect. I looked away, knowing that staring might be threatening. “I will not hurt. No hurt! Hurt is bad. No hurt.” I tried to make her understand. She leaned over, looking interested in what I was saying, and then slapped the shit out of my muzzle! POP!

“Hurt?” she asked, looking curious. Well fucking DUH! I nodded softly, but didn’t move my hands to grab my muzzle. She poked my chest with her claw, which actually tickled a bit, but I didn’t laugh. “Hurt?” she asked again. I didn’t know if she was asking my name since she poked me. 

“No.” I replied, true on both counts. She canted her head, which looked sickeningly cute, her long hair, bound behind her in a ponytail, bouncing a bit as her eyes stayed on me.

“Hurt?” she asked, using her claw to poke where evidently her slap had cut the side of my muzzle. I winced, and nodded.

“Yes. hurt!” I said.

“Hurt?” she asked again, picking up her knife, and putting it to my throat. Okay, the language barrier I was getting around a little bit, but this still needed work, and it looked like I was not about to get the chance to build an understanding! What could I do to make her understand?

Stay calm, and continue to try to talk to her. At least she’s not angry anymore.
Okay, now this is just stupid.. time to dole out the beat down!
Be gentle, and let nature take its course. It’s mating season. Try her.


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