Sirius part 4
by Alps Aris Sarsis

It was still dark, and the ship was still moving swiftly on the water. Alps got dressed and went out on deck. Nidaja was there. Alps sat down beside her. Nidaja moaned. The white lupis' ears perked up. How could she be ready at this time? She leaned over the side of the boat and gagged.

Alps actually sighed with relief. She was just seasick. She gagged a few more times, then vomited loudly. Alps held her hair out of the way. There was no bath on board the ship.

"Do you want me to go get Misty?" Alps asked. Nidaja shook her head, then gagged again from the side to side motion shaking her head had caused.

"N-No.." she gasped, "Uri just went to get the medicine. She'll be back in a minute, just hold my h-urrk!" Nidaja lauched more of her previous meal to the ocean below.

Alps cringed, holding her hair. He always took good care of his owners when they were sick, so he was used to this kind of task. Nidaja coughed and sputtered. Uri finally showed up.

"Here you go, General Razelle." she said politely. Nidaja wolfed down the tablets.

"Now if I can just keep from throwing up long enough for the medicine to take effect. Alps..." she paused a moment, "I originally bought you as a gift for someone else." Alps' jaw dropped open. Someone else? Was she about to give him to one of her Misha and Uri, maybe?

"Anyway, I know that you have probably become attached to me, since I was your first lay, but I will still be around you a great deal. We can have sex once in a while." Alps smiled. He really could not understand why, but that was very comforting.

"Who am I gonna belong to?" he asked sheepishly, kind of hoping it would be Misty. Nidaja smiled.

"My sister." she said cheerfully. Alps froze. Her sister. Nita Arcana Razelle. The gueen of the Lupi, the leader of the High Council. He would be property of the highest matriarch on Sirius. Alps sank to his knees. What would she expect? He wasn't a prime and proper servant. He was only worth twenty bits! Alps contemplated his future as the boat sailed onward.


Alps walked off the ship, his night with the two wolfess females, Uri and Misha still fresh in his mind.  Which was realing from the tension of meeting the queen.  The sex had NOT relaxed him enough for this.  On the peir, he saw her.  nita Arcana Razelle.  She was a green-furred wolfess, an emerald letai just like Nidaja, but her features were much more fair.  She was elegant and perfect in every way.

"Well Nita, here he is!" Nidaja chimed. She nudged Alps foreward.

The queen gazed intently at him. She frowned. Alps went to his knees, wanting to show the highest courtesy. Queen Razelle sneered.

"Not much to look at..." she said softly. "The fur's kind of odd, don't you think?"

Alps gasped. She would reject him. His stupid white fur would get him rejected again.

"Weren't there any stronger-looking ones, maybe other emerald lupi?" she asked.

"Nita, I promise you, he's the best money can buy!" Nidaja pleaded.

"What did you pay for...this..." she vaguely indicated Alps, who gazed up at her from the floor. She hated him...

"Twenty bits." Nidaja sighed. Nita sneered.

"I think you got gypped, sis.." she replied softly.

Alps shut his eyes. He was right there! How could she just degrade him like that, with him right there? He put his nose to the floor. He felt like crying, but couldn't.

"Nita... He's still a lupis. You never treat your other servants like this." Nidaja complained.

"I've never had a servant to take care of my personal needs, either." the queen snapped back. "I want the best possible one. One that I don't mind spending time with." She pointed angrily at Alps, "This is a joke!"

Alps backed away, crushed by her words. It was official. The queen's words were treated as law. Alps was legally a joke. A horrible mistake... He trembled, fighting back his emotions.

"Nita..." Nidaja said sadly. Alps looked at her pleadingly. He gazed at the knife she kept by her side. If he was such a joke, his life really wasn't neccessary. He looked at

Nidaja again, the thoughts reaching her through his gaze. Nidaja frowned.

"Alps, you don't really want that..."

"Want what?" Nita asked bitterly, still upset over her gift.

"He want's me to punish him, Nita. His life's been miserable the whole way through. He wants me to use my knife. He just wants to stop hurting. Please, stop treating him like dirt, Nita..."

The queen's eyes widened at Nidaja's description of Alps. She then, to Alps horror, drew a slender, well decorated dagger of her own. Alps held still. Nita handed it to him. He carefully took it. The queen backed away.

"If you are really in that much pain... Do it yourself. Nidaja shouldn't have to pay as much as she did and do everything for you." Alps gazed at the queen a moment. She was serious. It was an order. He turned the dagger over and touched it against his chest. He tensed his muscles, then released a breath.

"NO!!" Nidaja shrieked. Alps shut his eyes and thrust the dagger in at an upward angle. The pain wasn't all that bad. Not as bad as he thought it would be. Everything dulled. Sounds, light, feeling, all became muffled as he crumbled to the ground. He could hear Nidaja wailing though, at the top of her lungs. Deep inside, Alps apologized to her.


Alps opened his eyes. He sat up. His chest was sore, and he felt light headed. Nita was asleep in a chair beside him. He was not dead?

"Your majesty?" Alps tried to ask in a normal tone. A light wisper was all that came out. The queen slowly opened her bloodshot eyes. She got up and eased Alps onto his back.

"No, stay still, you haven't completely healed yet. You need rest!" she said. Alps blinked in confusion. Was this the same Nita who had just told him to kill himself? There was a long silence.

"I..I'm sorry, Alps..." the vixen said, breaking the silence. She was facing away, but Alps could tell she was about to cry. Her apology was genuine.

"It's okay, I'm not upset about it, you shouldn't be either..." Alps whispered comfortingly. He didn't want Nita to cry. His gesture backfired as she gasped and burst into a fit a tears.

"How can you say that after what I did to you?!" she wailed. Misty entered the room. Alps swallowed. Misty and Nidaja... How were they taking it? Misty walked over to Alps and examined him carefully.

"You'll recover entirely, " she said cheerfully, "IF you rest. Try to stay calm. Do you want Nita to leave, so you can get some quiet?"

Alps thought a moment. Nita was really hurting right now. He was weak, but he still belonged to her now, right? It was his duty her personal servant to comfort her in times like these.

"I want her to stay." Alps said kindly, "She's the one Nidaja was giving me to, so I want to get to know her a little better." Nita gazed in astonishment at Alps, tears streaming from her eyes.

"Are you sure?" Misty asked softly. Alps nodded. The doctor left the room quietly, telling Alps to call if he needed her.

"I don't deserve you, Alps." Nita cried, her face buried in the pillow beside Alps' head. Alps sighed. He suddenly realized he was naked. Had Nita looked at him? The lupis shook away the silly thought. He turned his attention back to Nita.

"Just give me a chance to serve you, M'lady..." Alps asked. "You shouldn't blame yourself for what happened, You didn't stab me."

"Nidaja knew you would do it..." Nita cried, her voice muffled in the pillow. "She knew you wouldn't question it, even for a second. I never thought for a second you would actually kill yourself if I told you to. I was just trying to get out of keeping you as a servant. If you refused to stab yourself at my order, I could have told her that you weren't loyal. I really had no reason other than your white-fur to refuse you, though. I'm so, so, very sorry!"

Nita was now laying entirely on the bed, beside Alps, bawling her eyes out. Alps reached over and reflexively stroked her shoulder. So it had been his fur. Nita began to calm down as Alps stroked her softly.

"It's gonna be fine, Your highness..." Alps said softly. "You heard Misty, I'm gonna make a complete recovery. You shouldn't worry about it anymore." There was a short pause from the queen.

"Nita." came her muffled response.

"Huh?" Alps asked, looking at her. She turned her tear soaked face to Alps.

"Call me Nita...please. If you are going to be my personal servant, then you will be caring for me when I am enjoying my little bit of free time. I would rather you weren't so formal." She smiled weakly at Alps. His eyes brightened.

"Then you will give me a chance?!" he gasped. Nita sighed and happily nodded.


Alps plopped down on the extremely soft, huge, bed. It was larger, and far softer than the one he had slept in that first night with Nidaja. It was Nita's bed. Alps had been tending to the queen's personal needs for about three weeks now, and his injury from her dagger was now nothing more than another scar and another memory.

It was very much winter now, and the temperature outside the castle had dropped below zero. Nita had complained that her bed was cold whenever she first got in it, and that it took her a while to get warm. She was actually losing sleep over it. Nidaja had suggested Alps getting in the bed before Nita and warming it so she could get some sleep. The sisters would not talk for about a week after the incident, but Alps pursuaded Nidaja to forgive the queen, much to Nita's delight.

Misty had made the suggestion that he could get the bed warmest if he stripped before he got in bed. Alps had done that, and now lay comfortably on the bed. It would be about an hour before Nita got there to go to bed. Alps pulled the covers over himself. Nita was right, it was cold!

After about twenty minutes of shivering, Alps began to warm up. Unfortunately, the warmth in the soft bed made him comfortable, and he began to doze lightly. Alps was awakened by a light pressure beside him. He gasped, realizing he had fallen asleep.

He looked beside him. Nita lay there in a silk nighty and panties. She stared back at him.

"I'm sorry, " she said softly, "I tried not to wake you."

"I fell asleep." Alps said apologetically. He began to move toward the end of the  bed, to leave Nita so she could sleep. He realized again that he was naked, and stopped a moment.

"Alps?" Nita said in a soft tone. The lupis looked back at her curiously.

"Yes, Nita?" he answered.

"Do you know how to give a good massage?" she asked. Alps swallowed. He knew how, but the thought of doing it to Nita in her nighty...

"Yes." he answered blankly. Nita rolled over on her belly, slipped out of her nighty, and lay still. Alps quivered as he looked at her bare back. Memories of the time he spent with her sister rushed into his head, and he was immediately excited. He gritted his teeth. Completely naked, all Nita would have to do is turn around to notice.

"Please..." Nita said softly, relaxing.

Alps swallowed again and scooted foreward. Her demands were his job. If she asked for a massage, he couldn't ask questions. He sat up, exposing himself entirely. He sat Indian-style and leaned over, beginning to rub Nita's shoulders. She sighed luxuriously.

"Mmmm, that's nice!" she said.

Alps rubbed her shoulders for a while, putting a lot of effort and kindness into it. He wondered if she would fall asleep while he did that, actually leaving herself open to his touch.

“Is that good?" Alps asked sheepishly. Nita adjusted her position a little and sighed.

"Lower." she said. Alps swallowed again as he massaged her lower back. Her muscles seemed to melt as he did. She was so tense. Work must have been tough today.

He rubbed her lower back for a little while. She breathed softly as he did it.

"Could you massage the backs of my legs?" she asked softly. Alps could tell she was really relaxed. He complied, massaging her legs near her ankles. She allowed him to do that for a minute or so.

"Higher, past my knees..." she whispered.

Alps shuddered and did as he was told. He had an erection from hell from giving this nearly naked vixen a massage. He wondered if it even excited her a little, and if she would be angry if she knew he was excited. Alps rubbed the back of Nita's legs near her rear. To his further excitement, she spread her legs a little, giving him an even more enticing veiw. He found himself looking hard at her hidden crotch.

"A little higher..." she sighed. Alps tentavely moved up a few inches, meeting her pantyline.

"Mmm, higher..." she said again.

Alps moved his hands onto the vixen's rear, massaging firmly. He had expected her to snap at him, telling him he was too high, but instead, she parted her legs a little more and sighed. She let Alps do this longer than anywhere else.

"I like that..." she finally muttered, "something feels wrong, though..." She thought a moment. Alps sighed, figuring she meant that he should not be massaging her there.

"Alps?" she asked.

"Yes?" he said softly.

"Would you mind taking off my panties and then massaging like you've been doing? I think it would be more comfortable..."

Alps froze. His heart quickened and his dick began to throb.

"I don't mind." Alps said softly. He really didn't but he knew he would be going nuts inside as he did it.

"Go ahead..." Nita said softly, holding up her rear to make her panties easier to remove. Alps carefully reached out and grasped the edges on both sides. He slowly peeled them down. Past her rear, past the tip of her tail, her knees, her feet, and they were off. He turned back to her.

Her legs were slightly apart with her tail laying in between, obstructing any kind of view. Alps caressed her naked form from shoulders, down to back, and finally his hands came to rest on Nita's hindquarters. He began to massage. He felt a little shudder through Nita. Alps found himself wondering if she were a virgin.

He was paying very close attention to her ass, waiting for her to move her tail even slightly. On occasion, she would lift it a little, almost showing Alps what he wanted to see.

Alps continued to massage. Finally, he looked back up at Nita's head. He gasped. Her head was turned to the side, propped up on one elbow. She had a tiny smile as she gazed directly at him. She was staring in his exposed lap. Alps gritted his teeth and crossed his arms over his lap, feeling the pre-cum wet his fur.

"Alps?" Nita said, getting his attention back on her face. He looked back at her. "Don't stop... not until I tell you to, okay?" she said softly, but cheerfully.

Alps placed his hands on his owners rump and began massaging again. He looked first at her eyes, which trained themselves back at his lap. His dripping cock.. Alps turned his gaze, looking instead at a wall past Nita. He massaged for a little while like this, his heart racing. He felt Nita spread her legs a little more, and raise her rump a little. He  continued to massage.

"Alps?" Nita asked again. The lupis looked at her though half closed eyes. She was looking into his eyes now.

"Yes?" he replied. Nita gestured for him to look down with a shrug of her head. Alps complied, to see Nita's legs spread, and her tail lifted high out of the way. The lupis gasped, not moving his hands. Her pussy was dripping and ready, lined in pink and slick with juices.

"Keep massaging..." she said. Alps swallowed and gazed at the view she was giving him, wondering why. He massaged and, now, rather than just laying there, getting a massage, she began to move her rear a little. Alps massaged like this for almost ten minutes before Nita broke the silence again.

"Alps, get the front now..."

Alps swallowed hard. Nita rolled over onto her back, showing Alps her large, well rounded breasts. He tits were as solid as Alps dick. A smile played over her lips. Alps shifted his line of site to see Nita's cunt. There was a trail of juices leading to her belly from where she had been dripping as Alps massaged her. She had evidently been enjoying it as long as him.

"Want to massage my chest?" she asked, clutching her breasts and cooing. Alps nodded. Yes, definately he did.

He scooted alongside her again. He watched her eyes shift back to his dick, which was now considerably closer. Alps touched tentatively at first, then caressed, then began to massage her luscious melons. Her nipples were tiny spikes in his palms, and she gasped as he pinched them gently.

Alps moved closer, lowering his nose. Closer, closer.. He pulled a tit into his waiting mouth and sucked on it gently. A shivering sigh escaped as he succeeded uninhibited by the queen. She lay flat on her back with her arms by her side.

"Yesss, that's nice..." she cooed. Alps licked and sucked on the vixen's breasts for about twenty minutes. She released a low moan, spreading her legs wide. Alps began kissing down to her belly, hoping she would let this proceed. Upon reaching the point where her juices had run, Alps licked evenly all the way down to their source. When his tongue reached it goal, Nita gasped.

"Oh my God..." she hissed, a shiver running through her entire body.

"I'm sorry, " Alps said softly, "Too far?" Nita shook her head no.

"It's fine, Alps, just keep doing what you were doing. You know how to give a killer massage!"

Nita shut her eyes and tilted her head back, holding her legs open. Alps licked the area around her pussy gently, causing a few soft moans of approval. Finally, he slipped his tongue between the lips of her swollen pussy, tasting her clit. She eased down the bed a little, receiving her treat.

"Oh, keep going!" she gasped. Alps watched her calmly now as he began to lick. Slowly, evenly, with deep, powerful strokes.

"Ohhhh, Alps, this feel soo good!" she sighed, beginning to pump her thighs a little. Alps continued to lick slowly. He eased his middle finger into her cunt. He buried it to the knuckle, causing her to gasp as he licked her clit hard. He slid his finger in and out slowly, licking while he did it. Nita was breathing hard now. Alps lifted his head, still fingering the vixen.

"Is this your first time?" Alps asked. He just had to know. Nita gasped, her thighs ticking up and down a little more vigorously.

"Y-yesss.." she cooed.

Alps slipped his finger in and out as he continued to lick her. She moaned loudly.

"Alps?" she asked.

"Yeth?" she responded with his tongue on her clit.

"Have you ever done this?" the vixen sighed, tilting her head back again. She was really enjoying this.

"Yes." Alps replied, fingering Nita a little faster.

"Really?" She gasped, then moaning at the change in speed, "Who with?"

"Nidaja and Misty." he answered honestly. There was no hiding something from the queen. She gasped and moaned deeply.

"You mean you've yiffed a third of the High Council?!"

"Mmm hmm..." he replied, licking her a little faster. Nita moaned louder now.

"Ohhh, oohh, oooh.. Alps, I... I.."

Nita began to move her thighs quickly now. She was real close. Alps held her slit open and stuffed his tongue inside her. She gasped short breaths, then went rigid. Alps devoured her passionately as she held still in anticipation.

"Aaahoooooooo!!!!" she howled, bucking as a poweful orgasm washed over her. Alps licked her tenderly as she calmed down.

"Did you like it?" Alps asked, panting. Nita sighed and sat up shakily.

"It's your turn, now." She smiled. Alps smiled back.

"How do you like to do it?"

Alps layed on his back. "Like this..." he said.

Nita smiled and straddled his legs. She stared longingly at his cock for a moment. She then grasped it firmly and rubbed semen all over it. Alps moaned. Nita pulled herself forward and placed the tip between her lips. She slowly eased down. It seemed to be a little painful.

Alps felt something give when he was a little over half way in, and the vixen yelped in pain, but thrust herself down on him, taking the entire length. Alps moaned loudly. Nita held still for a moment, letting Alps lick her nipples, and, for the first time, kiss her. As he did this, he began to rock his thighs gently. Nita responded, moving her pussy up and down his cock slowly. After a few moments of this, she shuddered.

"It's starting to feel good again..." she muttered, speeding up a little. She humped him with quick, even strokes, though still somewhat timid, never taking his entire cock in a single motion. Alps moaned, holding her shoulders as she screwed him.

"Are you in season?" Alps asked cautiously, feeling his own tingling sensations. He didn't want to get the queen pregnant.

"N-no.." she panted, "But tell me before you come, I just want to know when it's happening..."

She began to hump desperately, nearing her second climax. Alps moaned. Her pussy was so warm and wet... She sped up to a frenzy. Alps, also in desperation, was matching her speed.

"I'm almost there..." he gasped.

Just then, she jerked tight. Her body trembled with excitement as Alps hammered her from underneath.

"I..I'm coming... I'm coming... Oooohhh!!!" Nita wailed, her nose turned to the moon.

"Almost there..." alps moaned loudly, still pounding her.

"Ohhh, I'm still coming, Alps come with me!!!"

"Almost..Almost...Ohhh, Oh Nita!!!"

Alps spread his legs and stuffed himself as deep as he could. Nita shrieked with a third, quite unexpected orgasm, and Alps burst inside her. She collapsed on top of him, panting. Alps pulled a blanket over them.

"I, uhh, I'm warm, uhh, now.." the exhausted vixen panted. Alps slept beside her  that night.


Read on to Part 5

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